Lord Ganesh Offers Us Guidance
Okay, I’ve been alluding for some time to channeling other high Guides in addition to the Archangels, and because of some personal changes I’m experiencing, today is the day I’ll begin sharing some of these messages. Let me start with a little background information.
About a year ago, I started having vivid dreams about certain beings, high Guides, and I’d wake up knowing I was supposed to channel them. This happened a couple of times, and then the Archangels guided me to use some oracle cards to select high Guides to channel, so I could get to know them better. This was good timing, as I was planning on beginning a business that included holding spiritual guidance sessions and oracle card reading with clients, and these Guides all committed to helping me during these sessions.
At first, it was just an overall introduction with each one I chose and channeled. Lately, however, this changed again. Not only did I begin receiving channeled messages they wanted me to share with others, but I was asked to select one high Guide every week or two to meet with nightly during meditation for one to two weeks, and they began to apply various energetic upgrades to me, helping me adjust to the energies of the fifth dimension and to evolve using the upgrades they administered. I wrote about it last Friday and explained, with the help of the Archangels, that we are all going to receive these energetic upgrades when the time is right for us.
All week long, I’ve been meditating and meeting with Lord Ganesh. Funny story … Lord Ganesh comes to us through the Hindu tradition and is depicted on the oracle card as having the head of an elephant. When I first met with Ganesh, I very honestly told him that I had to get used to the whole elephant head thing, that it was unfamiliar to me, but I’d work on being comfortable with him. He was so funny! He told me that he wasn’t used to my physical form either, that we’ve worked together many times in the past, but as spiritual beings, that is, neither of us had physical form, and he had to get used to my new form, also. He said we’d do just fine, and we have. He is so easy to talk to, and he’s been working on my energetic system all week. I knew it involved the pituitary gland, but last night I found out it all revolved around Kundalini energy.
I had a very vivid dream that I was in a mountain temple of some sort, and I began seeing a snake on the ceiling and the floor begin to move. I saw a deceased friend meditating on a dais, the Metatron cube, and several documents. Symbols on the documents, including more snakes, began to move. I woke up knowing my Kundalini was awakening and on the move. The thing is, I don’t know anything about Kundalini energy! I immediately thought of Ganesh and began to channel him, asking for more information, and his answer prompted this article.
I’d planned on opening a Substack account, which I did, and putting all the high Guides’ messages there, rather than on Medium. I bought Dr. Yildiz’s book about Substack, but I’ve only begun reading it, and I’m not ready to start writing there yet, and this message cannot wait, so here we are.
We’re all changing energetically, and when you have no knowledge about what’s happening, it can be a little disconcerting and uncomfortable, even scary. I had another quantum energy treatment this week with Tera McAmis, which I’ll be writing about shortly (I wrote about the first one I got three months ago), and I’ll be including a new interview with her about the energetic changes happening to all of us and how our practices for grounding and restoring balance also need to change, but for now, I’m sharing the message I received this morning from Lord Ganesh about the further awakening of my Kundalini energy. I think some call him Ganesha, but on the card he’s referred to as Lord Ganesh.
Question: We’ve been together every night for nearly a week now. I know you’re doing energetic work, for which I’m grateful. Last night, I had an important dream, which was more than a dream, and I woke up knowing my Kundalini energy had been awakened, and I thought of you immediately. Can you please explain this more to me?
Dearest friend, you have the right of it. As you wrote last week, everyone’s energy system is changing, and part of the system upgrade involves Kundalini energy activation. This is only one term used to describe a particularly powerful source of energy that everyone possesses, but which, in most cases, lies dormant within the body, or at least is not fully active.
All week long, I have been preparing your body and mind for this energy to awaken more fully, and it began to do so more actively last night as you slept. It is an ongoing process, dear friend, and it is a decidedly good thing that will serve you well.
Just as your third eye chakra opened fully years ago — which also began during your dream state, before you began channeling regularly, if you will remember — your Kundalini energy center has also opened more fully. I know you do not know anything about Kundalini energy, but there is nothing to worry about. Because of the preparation I have put into place all week long, it will be a gentle, ongoing awakening that will serve you well. Eventually, most people will go through a similar process, and they may call on me or the Archangels to smooth this important transition.
There is nothing to fear. This is a natural change due to The Shift into the fifth dimension, and it will help blend together the physical, mental/emotional, spiritual, and energetic systems within and around the body, so that they may work with more balance. It will also lead to more balance of masculine and feminine energies, which will be very helpful for overall life balance.
The Angels have shared with you that there will be changes in your DNA as The Shift continues. I will add to this and tell you that this alludes to an awakening of dormant strands of DNA that will be revitalized and lead to such things as interdimensional communication and psychic gifts coming to the surface. These changes in DNA are some of the physical changes human beings will encounter, and the awakening of Kundalini is one of the energetic changes you will encounter as you settle into the fifth dimension.
I would caution you as you move forward to disregard the scary stories that abound about energetic changes, Kundalini or otherwise, as well as such things as frightening accounts of evil beings from other dimensions preying on people, looking for victims. These stories are misunderstandings and misinterpretations. These energetic changes and the awakening of psychic gifts are natural aspects of all human beings that have remained dormant for most people for many generations, but they are not harmful, and they do not have to be scary. They are part of you, and they are awakening. There is no need to fear these changes.
You can ease and quicken these processes by opening and allowing them to happen, rather than being fearful and resisting them. Look forward to experiencing these changes, for they are all improvements and enhancements. Call on your Angels and Guides to help you manage these changes, and know that there is no danger involved. You are simply evolving.
Before The Fall of Earth, most people on Earth were in constant contact with Angels, Guides, and the Creator. These connections are beginning to open again, and they will become assets to your life. You should all call on your spiritual teams — you all have them and arranged with them before you incarnated — to assist and guide you through these changes. Even if you cannot hear them yet, they will hear you.
Invite them into your human life and know they are already actively involved in your spiritual life. These changes will act to better blend the physical, mental/emotional, spiritual, and energetic aspects, which are all a part of your human body and consciousness, even though you may not have been aware of them up to this point.
Remember that these are gradual, ongoing, permanent changes you will all experience. You should welcome them. You should open to them. You should invite your soul and Guides to become actively and consciously involved in your life. They are there to help you through these natural stages in evolution that have been triggered by 5D energy. These are all good things. Do not be afraid of these changes, dear friends. You may call on me at any time, and I will happily help smooth the way for your Kundalini energy to awaken and become a more active part of your life.
May peace, Love, and Light lead you along your path.
Final Thoughts
Just to clarify, you don’t have to be a part of the Hindu religion to ask for help from Ganesh any more than you have to be a Christian to ask Yeshua (Jesus) for help. None of these high Guides, Ascended Masters, or Angels favor a particular religion, although some are associated with one. It’s people who label and relate to them as religious figures and Gods. They love all of us.
So, you’re probably wondering if I feel different. I do, but not tremendously so. Since I’ve been meeting with Ganesh nightly, I’ve had more energy to do things, and I’ve accomplished a lot more in terms of productivity, which is handy, because I’ve got a lot going on. I’ve had quite an increase in business since the Beyond the Reiki Gateway podcast aired in August, which has kept me busy. Also, my mother-in-law, who I’ve written about many times, is entering what I believe to be the last stage of her life. She’s been living with stage four breast cancer for a couple of years now, and she stopped receiving chemo treatments a year ago. She requires more time and attention as she nears the end of her life.
I’ve also decided to put my big, old house up for sale at the beginning of the year and finally downsize to a newer, smaller house, still in the same city but in another part of town. As you can imagine, this requires an enormous amount of work, as I sort through twenty plus years of accumulated stuff. So, lots going on!
It was important for me to share this message with you, as my understanding is that we’re all going to experience energetic changes as we move forward in this higher dimension, and it helps to know what’s going on and that these are natural stages in our evolution. I receive many emails and messages from readers and followers who feel differently, who are beginning to experience some psychic gifts emerging or a new awareness of the world, and who wonder if they’re going crazy.
The answer is, no, you’re not going crazy, you’re just evolving. As Ganesh mentioned, these are all natural changes, and there’s no need to feel afraid. These are good things that are happening. However, as you well know, change can be uncomfortable and at times, intimidating. Add to that all the misinformation and misrepresentation about psychic gifts, energy, and religious issues, and it’s easy to feel afraid, but fear is what led us in the third dimension. It’s not as prevalent in 5D, and we should remember that.
Don’t forget that the intention for this month’s Friday night meditations is Connection. I invite you to join me, others, and the Angels as we seek connection to our Creator, our higher selves, our high Guides, the Angels, the universe, and each other. All of these beings and forces are helpful and eager to be part of our lives. They’re waiting for your invitation.
Happy Friday, and I hope you have a peaceful, awakening, and connected weekend ahead of you. Perhaps you’ll spend a little time inviting your spiritual team to become more noticeably involved in your life. They’re already with you and watching over you, but wouldn’t it be nice to become a more interactive part of your team? There is lots of change in the air, and we’re all going to be affected by it. Remember that it is all good, even though it feels different and odd at times. We are evolving, after all!
Blessings, all.