The Archangels Share Their Guidance
I got a question from someone on my website this week about how we can know if we are or are not on the right track, doing what we’re supposed to be doing. I get this question a lot. To me, it comes down to peace of mind and whether or not you feel useful, and the Angels included those things, among others. Below is their commentary.
Question: How do we know whether or not we’re on the right track?
This is a very good question for these changing times with changing people. We will offer several aspects for consideration.
The first and, on the surface, easiest question to ask yourself is how do you feel? Before you answer, you all would do well to look beneath the surface and beyond the standard answer of, “Fine.” Consider that in most cases, when people answer, “Fine,” it’s usually followed with things like, “I guess” or “I mean, I’m not always happy, but …” “Fine,” is not a definitive answer, but then again, “How do you feel,” is not a very definitive question, is it? So, we will be more specific.
Are you happy? Do you feel good about the life you are creating? Do you feel fulfilled? On the other end of this spectrum, do you feel like something is missing most of the time? Are you looking for a way out of the life you have created thus far? Are you simply surviving or marking time, or do you feel as though you are doing good or great things with your life?
Everyone has bad days or days they need to take a break from what they are doing in life. That is normal and to be expected. However, if you need more days off than you do on, if your idea of a break is running away and never returning to your current situation, there is something deeper going on.
Life is stressful, whether you like your life or not, but if there is little or nothing good, nothing joyful or fulfilling in your life to balance that stress, you are not on the right track, and you either need to add, delete, or change some things.
Every one of you is meant to be a creator, the creator of your lifetime. You were given life, but you must decide what you will do with it. If you are entirely focused on money, material things, notoriety, fame, winning, etc., and you do not feel fulfilled or happy as you progress through life, you are likely trying to fill an unfillable void, which means you need a change of focus and goals. If you are not comfortable with yourself, you need to make some changes. Those kinds of things will not satisfy you for any length of time. You will always seek more. They will not ease your mind or give you peace.
If, at the end of most days, you cannot feel good about what you accomplished, if you do not feel good about yourself and your life, you are not on the right path, and things will not improve until you make some changes. There are times in life when everyone feels dissatisfied, but if you cannot foresee a time when this dissatisfaction ends, there is a problem.
Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe in what you are doing? Do you dream of doing something else with your life? If you have a specific image of what you would rather do and be, you should pursue it. If the image is obscure or simply consists of doing “something else,” you should go back and reevaluate what is important and what you value. If you cannot tie in your pursuits with what you most value, you are not on the right path. If what you think you value does not bring you peace of mind, satisfaction, and joy, then it is a false value, and you are likely trying to value something someone else has told you to value, rather than following your heart and being true to yourself.
We have said this before, but it bears repeating. What are your natural gifts and how are you using them? Following your gifts and allowing them to lead you usually ends in finding and realizing your true purpose in this lifetime. Your soul chose your natural gifts and talents, so they would lead you to your purpose and allow you to accomplish it. You will be driven either consciously or unconsciously in that direction until your purpose is determined and you are working on it. Part of your life plan includes being exposed to and offered opportunities through meeting people, going places, or trying new things that will fulfill you and your purpose. Pay attention to these possibilities. Do not cast opportunities aside without consideration to how they tie into your gifts and whether or not they would fulfill you.
Let us be clear. There is not ever a penalty for not accomplishing your purpose. If you do not complete it, it will simply carry over, assuming it does not change, for the next lifetime. However, whether or not you are aware of what you signed up for, your soul knows, and your life plan is geared to lead you in that direction. If you are nowhere near where your soul planned for you to be, there will be a disconnect between what you are doing and how you are living your life, and peace of mind and fulfillment.
The human/soul connection is not meant to be at odds. Understand that your soul is always on your side, because your side is its side. It is not that you are a slave to your soul’s desires or your life plan. You are not. Free will reigns, always. However, the life plan in place is set up for your greatest good, and it will serve you well if you let it, whether or not you can see that during this lifetime or you understand it after this lifetime ends. You are not a victim, even when it feels as though you are. Try to trust that everything happens for a higher purpose.
Sometimes, it is not a matter of honing in to what your purpose is, it may simply be recognizing that what you are currently doing is not it. Something to keep in mind is, if you do not feel fulfilled in your life, you have not yet discovered your purpose. Everyone has a purpose, without exception. It is part of the reincarnation requirement and commitment. It is entirely possible that you have discovered and even completed it without knowing, but if that is the case, you will not feel incomplete, unfulfilled, or lost with regard to how you are living or have lived your life.
There are many lessons targeted to learn in a lifetime. Some may be tied to your purpose, and others not. Also, a life purpose is usually on a timeline. Much of what you do in your life will likely prepare you for your purpose. Try to find solace in knowing this, that experiences, good and bad serve a higher purpose, likely your own higher purpose.
All of you on Earth right now have a purpose that ties in with The Shift, in some way. This can be anything from raising your vibration and sharing your energy to enlightening people in positive or negative ways, to setting an example of what enlightenment does or does not look like, to running for political office. You will be moved in the right direction to accomplish this purpose, so do not concern yourself with finding it. Continue living and remain vigilant. Your life plan and Guides and Angels will very likely get you where you need to be.
Focus on yourself and how you feel about your life. All of you will face hardships and challenges, and life will be difficult at times, but you should be able to find joy, peace of mind, and fulfillment regardless of circumstances, if you are on the right track. If you do not have these three things the majority of the time, or if you are not headed in a direction that is likely to lead you to them, you need to spend some time reassessing, reevaluating, and possible making changes until you find them. That may mean a career change, a reframing of priorities, or simply better self-care. Do not stop making changes until they are in your grasp, for life is not meant to be simply endured or conquered. It is within you to find a way to enjoy it, also.
We send you all energies of Love and Light.
Final Thoughts
There have been times in my life when just getting out of bed was a challenge that I sometimes could not overcome. And it stayed that way, until I made some changes. If you find yourself in that kind of situation either because of your job, your relationships, your beliefs, or something else, don’t just stay there, do something about it. Either make some changes, or find a better way to navigate the current road until it hopefully leads you to a better place. If there is no hope present in your life, go and find it, create it, reach for it.
I know it’s not always easy to change your circumstances or situation, but neither is it easy to just accept it and stay stuck there, right? Even if it takes some time to make the changes you need, or if you cannot make situational changes now, you can commit to finding better ways of dealing with things, whether it’s finding more quiet time, doing more things that bring you joy, or setting new goals and making a plan to eventually reach them.
We don’t have to remain stuck. We can’t always control everything that happens, in fact, many times we can’t. However, we can control how we respond to things and move forward. Easy? Rarely. Doable? Absolutely! Commit to making your life better. Find a way, whether that involves outside forces or internal forces.
If you’d like to join the Archangels and I this evening, any time or place, for quiet meditation/prayer, they will gather with us and take up the energy we generate by setting an intention for balance for all people and distribute it to those who need it the most. Simply by sharing our energy, we receive universal energy for our good intentions in return, so it helps everyone involved. If you can’t make it tonight, simply call on the Archangels when you do have time.
Happy Friday, and I hope you have a wonderful, fulfilling weekend.
Blessings, all.