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You are welcome here. 

Refresh and renew yourself, knowing this is a special, safe place divinely inspired by the Archangels, who love us all unconditionally.

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Everyone is welcome here.

I am only offering a comfortable place for you to come and rest, to escape these chaotic times we live in, and find compassion and acceptance.


I channel the Archangels and share their messages with everyone who wants to hear them.  I invite you to take with you that which resonates and leave behind the rest.  We all make sense of things in our own way.  Although the Archangels has a connotation of being religious in nature, this is not a religious site.  Neither is it an anti-religious site.  The Angels say if your religion brings you peace, love, joy, and hope and leads you to live a life of kindness toward others, it is the right religion for you.  If you are an atheist, the same holds true.  Neither I nor the Archangels practice a traditional religion.


I do believe in a higher power, who I call God.  The Archangels call Him/Her/It the Creator of All.  There are no judgments here, no condemnation, and no threats of punishment if you disagree with something.  There is only peace, hope, and love here.  You’re welcome to read for information and encouragement, you can ask a question to the Angels, or you can simply unwind after a hard day.  All the Angels’ messages are positive, loving, and hopeful. 


March Group Meditation Intention:  Finding Balance


The Archangels will gather our energy every Friday night and disperse it where it is needed most.  If you are unavailable on Friday evenings, anytime will do.  


*The information on this website, while valuable and divinely inspired, is not meant to replace any professions or medical direction received by the reader.

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Inspiring messages from the Archangels

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Meet Jodie

Hi there!  Let me tell you a little about myself.  I'm a retired teacher and author, born and raised in El Paso, TX.  After retirement, I finally had the time to read and learn about the things I've always been interested in but never had time to pursue.

“Know, all who come here, that you are loved unconditionally, whoever you are, no matter what you have done and have not done that you consider strikes against you. There is nothing you could ever do to make us turn away from you. Call on us at any time, and we will come to you.”

- Archangels

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