The Archangels Talk About Reevaluating Your Life
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. The new year begins in a few days, and although I prefer alternatives to the old new year’s resolutions idea, this is the perfect time to evaluate where we are, and just as importantly, where we want to be. Rather than make a list of new goals without much thought or planning to go with it, I have a better idea that lends itself to a bit more thought and planning, instead. First, though, I asked the Archangels for some insight on why it’s important to spend some time on planning for the future now, more than ever before. Their response follows.
Question: You’ve said this is the time for analyzing, reevaluating, and planning for the coming year, and that this is more important than ever before. Can you please explain why it’s so important to review and plan right now?
Yes, of course, and we reinforce that now is the time for reevaluation of your life and that it is not only important, but essential for personal and collective progress to happen.
Many of you are afraid of what the future will bring. We understand this, but we caution you to spend less time worrying about what might or might not happen and more time on deciding what you want to happen on a personal basis. You have much more power to affect the future than you realize, especially where your own life is concerned, but also on what happens in general. Your understanding of energy is limited, but we do not exaggerate when we tell you that everything revolves around personal energy, which affects collective energy, which affects everything that happens in the world.
We have said many times that the best thing you can do for the world is to create a life for yourself that is filled with joy, hope, love, and peace. When you do this, it affects the people around you without you having to do a single thing more. When you are filled and governed by joy, hope, love, and peace, your energy is strong and can sway those people and things around you in a very positive way.
We have stressed that it is important to release anger, bitterness, resentment, and disappointment, especially when it targets others with blame. When you hold onto these emotions, when you feed them, they strengthen those who embrace them. This weakens endeavors to improve things and to solve problems. It enables the very things and people who cause your angst and strengthens their causes.
We know it is difficult to let go of fear and anger and the rest, but it further weakens you when you resist the release of these emotions. Fight fear with hope. Fight anger with compassion. When you do this, you and the causes you hold dear are strengthened, while those who you perceive as your enemies are weakened. It begins and ends with energy, which fuels thoughts, which fuels actions. If you lose yourself to the low vibrational emotions that upset you in the first place, you lose your strength and your purpose, and you hinder your progress individually as well as collectively. You cannot fight anger and fear with more anger and fear and win.
However, before you consider what you want to happen on a collective level, consider first what you need to happen on a personal level. This is the key. It is not selfish to put your needs and wants first. Rather, it is essential. Figure out what you need in order to have joy, hope, love, and peace in your life on a continual basis and work toward these things, and the rest will eventually fall into place.
You begin this process by honestly evaluating your life. What are your current levels of joy, hope, love and peace? What feeds them, and what detracts from them? Which areas of your life are rich, and which are lacking when it comes to these essential things? What items in your life fulfill you, and what areas are draining you of vitality?
Perhaps first, you must remind yourself that you are deserving of everything good, that you are worthy of greatness and have everything you need for success. You are gifted. You have much to offer, and you are valued greatly, loved unconditionally. Has life beat you down? If so, it is time to not only rise, but to soar to the greatness that awaits you.
The world tells you that you are lacking. Society tells you that you are weak and at the mercy of circumstances and situations surrounding you, but we tell you, you can do great things. First, decide where you are, then where you want to be, and then make a plan on how to get there. Before any of that, however, you must place joy, hope, love, and peace at the center of all your goals and desires. If your plan does not bring you these things, even if it succeeds in terms of accomplishments, accolades, and material gains, you will fail, because without joy, hope, love, and peace at the center, you cannot be fulfilled or overcome whatever holds you back. Without these things, you have nothing. With these things, you have everything of importance.
The future will belong to heart-centered people. The world will revolve around heart-centered energy and goals. If you want to be part of this, you must begin by making joy, hope, love, and peace your center, your priorities. As more people do this, each person will contribute to the collective energy, and as you unite through this heart-centered energy, you will change the world. It will become a place where people want to live, to contribute, to improve upon, and everything will become better. You must understand that world peace, equality, quality of life, safety, and opportunity does not begin at the world level. It begins, instead, at the individual level. You must first learn to make joy, hope, love, and peace the center of your own life, before it can become a worldwide movement. So, if you are wondering what you can do to improve the world, begin with yourself.
Self-care, self-analysis, self-evaluation, and self-knowledge are the keys to changing the world. Know yourself first, then correct whatever needs to be corrected in order for joy, hope, love, and peace to be at the center of your life. If you do this, your own energy will rise in vibration, which will affect the energy of those around you, enabling them to also prioritize and work toward these things being at the center of their lives, which will affect the collective energy. From there, unity will arise and overcome any setbacks or challenges that come your way. As those who would thwart you continue to be consumed by fear, anger, and the like, they will weaken as you gain strength, and their efforts will fail, even as yours gain ground. Your greatest energetic weapons are compassion and unity. Move forward with dedication and determination to make things better for all, rather than to cause problems for others, and you will prevail.
The key is not to control others or to force them into compliance. The key is to accept and embrace them, even if you disagree with them. As they consider you as enemies, consider them with compassion and a sincere wish to bring them up, rather than hold them down. Some will never embrace you, but some will learn by your example, and the collective will be further strengthened until nothing can hold back progress that brings about needed change. It is not through bitterness and resentment that these goals can be reached. It is through a desire for understanding and offers of comfort that impasses will be breached.
Begin with reevaluating yourself and improving your own life. Focus on centering your entire life around joy, hope, love, and peace. As each person does this on a private, individual basis, the world will be that much closer to change that affects everyone in a positive manner. There truly can be world peace, and everyone can benefit, prosper, and thrive in it, but it begins with each individual. Not everyone will actively join this movement, but eventually, they will either be swept away and join this effort due to the influence all around them, or they will be swept away and isolate themselves from it and become obsolete. Do not concern yourself with others right now, though. Instead, focus on yourself. Analyze. Reevaluate. Plan. Change. Succeed. Then, you can decide how best to contribute to the rest.
We wish you great success in the coming new year and stand by to answer your call to help you center your life around joy, hope, love, and peace. Call on us at any time, and we will show you the way.
Final Thoughts
So, I have a simple way to begin this journey. Fold a paper into four sections labeled along the lines of “Positives, Negatives, Goals, and Changes.” Under the “Positives” section, list the things that currently contribute to joy, hope, love, and peace in your life. Under the “Negatives” section, list things that take away from joy, love, hope, and peace. Under “Goals” write actions that will bring in more joy, hope, love, and peace, and under “Changes,” list things that need to go, that hinder your joy, love, hope, and peace.
Maybe the things you list will be people, places, activities, hobbies, actions, projects, jobs, or any number of other things. I’ll share what I have so far. Under “Positives,” so far I’ve listed channeling, writing, downsizing, selling my current house, family relationships, friends, services I offer on my website, the website itself, the AAP course I facilitate, nightly meditation and energy work, and weekly Tarot readings for myself.
Under “Negatives,” I have my current house, writing on Medium, having too much stuff, health upkeep, and use of down time. Under “Goals,” I have finish writing Angels Q & A book, investigate Substack as an alternative to Medium, invest more time in social media and advertising, increase posts on website, consider other projects, including ebooks, writing more courses, and YouTube. Under “Changes,” I have moving to new home next year, reduce Medium posts to one a week, on Fridays, reinstate high fiber diet, more exercise, and replace things in the “Negatives” column with things that bring me more joy, hope, love, and peace.
I’m not finished yet, but I’ve got a good start. I haven’t figured everything out yet, but I at least know what’s working and what’s not working at this point. I don’t have all the answers, but I do have some ideas on where to find them. There are going to be some changes. I continue to write on Medium, because I’m very devoted to my over 5000 followers, and I thrive on the comments and emails I receive from y’all, but I’m not happy with the platform anymore. It’s not just the severe reduction in money I earn here, it’s the overall attitude the company seems to have regarding their writers. I feel very undervalued and expendable, and that’s not a good feeling. I no longer feel like a partner in the Partnership Program, and although I don’t plan on completely closing shop, it’s no longer going to be a priority to write here. With that in mind, I hope you’ll check out my website, and sign up for my newsletter. I don’t want to lose touch with you, especially my regulars who have been so supportive through the years, but it’s time for me to explore other options.
Happy Friday, everyone. This is the last Friday of the month, and tonight’s meditation with the Archangels will be centered on personal joy. If you’re available and want to join us from wherever you are, whenever you’re able, the Archangels will join their energy with yours towards that intention. I hope you have a wonderful weekend full of reflection, reevaluation, and consideration to what you want to see in your life in the coming year.
Many blessings to all of you, and Happy, Happy New Year!