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Who Are the Gods and High Guides?

The Archangels Describe Those Who Are Helping Us

I have a Christian background, even though I don’t practice any religion anymore. For a long time, many of the things I’d been taught ceased making sense, and I eventually concluded that not everything in my former religious upbringing or the Bible were true. This was long before I started channeling the Archangels.

After I started channeling, I asked the Angels many religious questions, and they were able to clear things up for me to my satisfaction. I came to the realization that following my heart and mind made a lot more sense to me than following religion rules and dogma. For example, the first major glitch for me was the belief that if you were not a Christian, you were doomed to eternal damnation in Hell, regardless of how you lived your life. This didn’t match up with the God and the Jesus that I knew and felt were always with me. The whole idea of god being a jealous vengeful god who hated certain people for whatever reason never felt right, and I could never see Jesus coming to judge people and letting some into Heaven and sentencing others to a fiery Hell. The Jesus I know is all about love.

Neither did I believe the church had the right to allow or deny communion, decide who was acceptable and who should be excluded, and many other things. When I decided to leave religion behind, I realized that didn’t mean I had to leave Jesus, Mary, God, or the Angels behind. I keep them in my heart, as I always have, consult them through prayer and channeling when needed, and I continue to love them and stay open to them and their guidance. This isn’t to say anyone else should or shouldn’t follow this path. Everyone should do what feels right to them, what makes sense to them, whether that’s following a religion, parts of a religion, or no religion at all. There is no religion on Earth that will ever appeal to and work for everyone. We’re too different. We all have to find our own way.

When I began channeling other high Guides in addition to the Archangels, I had to adjust and review, reevaluating my beliefs. I was raised that you don’t have anything to do with other gods, that to speak to other gods made the “real” god mad, and you could get into major trouble if you dared to do so. I no longer believed that the God I knew was a jealous or vengeful god, or that I had reason to fear Him/Her/It, but there was still a level of discomfort which led me to ask the Archangels about the high Guides I began to channel, especially those who were considered to be gods by others.

Question: I’ve been channeling many high Guides over the last year or so, and some of them are considered or have been considered gods in various traditions. They have all be welcoming and supportive. Can you tell us about them? Do they expect or wish to be worshipped? Are some more powerful than others? Are they gods, or just other beings of light?


These beings are highly advanced beings of Light and Love who act from a place of elemental, universal Love and who want to help Earth and all of humanity. People have long designated who is and is not a god, but does that make it true? What exactly is a god, we ask you? People tend to think in extremes. Good and evil. Right and wrong. Black and white. People love to label, categorize, and designate hierarchies. These beings are beyond those things. You might say they have outgrown them.

People often label beings out of either love or fear, and they often designate gods in order to explain what they do not understand. When something extraordinary happens that cannot be attributed to mankind, often gods and actions attributed to gods are designated as explanations.

Natural disasters, such as storms, droughts, and blights have been explained as angry manifestations of gods who are displeased by people and their actions. This has often led to scapegoats and violence against groups and individuals in an attempt to atone or please gods. This has led to murder, torture, banishment, and all manner of terrible and vicious outcomes as desperate, misled people seek solace and fear for their survival.

Most of you have heard of ancient civilizations who sacrificed men, women, children, and animals all in the name of various gods in hopes of pleasing and appeasing them, always with the goal of making their own lives better by ending the lives of other beings. How does this make sense?

There are still many who practice similar beliefs, even if sacrificial altars are no longer commonplace. Power hungry leaders often blame others for societal problems, and their followers still believe them and follow guidance to persecute others. Modern day scapegoats include Jews, women, minorities, people of different cultures, races, religions, sexual identifications, and origins are still common targets in many religions and societies, not only in third world countries, but in supposedly advanced regions.

Many times, religions are included in arguments to support such behavior and actions. Any religions that promote the idea that they are favored by their god are guilty of this, as it suggests that other people, outside their religion, are beneath them, less acceptable, expendable. If whatever God they believe in created all people, why then would He/She/It keep some and discard others? Were they not all created equally? Why would any god create people unequally? No, it is other people who make these suppositions and designations.

We have stated many times that there is no judgment or condemnation of people, no heaven or hell, no favoritism or rejection of any people by the Creator. The Creator energy is the beginning, the source, of us all. We are all connected to each other, because we are all connected through the Creator. We are all beings of light, regardless of what religion is practiced or which god is worshipped. All beings are from the same creator energy, whether they are labeled as gods, Angels, people, extraterrestrials, animals, or anything else.

It is not so much that there is a supreme being as there is a supreme source that connects all of creation. Human beings tend to humanize things, attempting to place human strengths, weaknesses, emotions, practices, constraints, etc. on the divine. Hierarchy, labels, ratings, and qualities are often assigned to beings and events who are not human and who do not fit within human categories.

Some of the high Guides you channel have been labeled as gods. Some of them lived human lives on Earth, and some did not. Some have Earth origins, and some come from different worlds, realms, and dimensions entirely. Some have physically incarnated, and some have not. Of those who have taken physical form, some have looked human, and others have looked entirely different. Some continue to incarnate, and others do not. They are as individual in terms of gifts, practices, and personalities as are people, but they are all highly evolved spiritually and energetically, which is why they qualify as high Guides and why some people call them Divine or Ascended Masters.

They all wish to help and serve others. They all wish to assist Earth in her ascension and adjustment to the fifth dimension. They all differ in their approach and the gifts they bring into their service, but they are all loving and accepting of all beings, on Earth and elsewhere. They all have pure intent and unconditional acceptance of others.

While some enjoy the adoration they receive from some people, it is never a prerequisite for offering their help and support. Sometimes, if may seem that way, but that is because they are not always well known outside certain circles, so they are not called upon by others. They all would willingly help anyone.

Some were named gods when they were humans walking the Earth and some were given the title when they were on Earth but not from the Earth, such as travelers from other worlds. Some of these brought technology and knowledge beyond what humanity could understand or practice at the time, which added to the idea that they were gods. Less developed societies often attached divinity to things and beings beyond their understanding and experience.

Still others are manifestations of different aspects of the divine and have never embodied physical incarnations. They have always been energetic in nature, ethereal. If they do appear in physical form, it is usually temporary, and they take on the physical attributes imagined by the individual who sees them, whether their vision is due to other artists’ renditions, or they have formed their own mental image.

If we Archangels appeared to our channel, we would have many human characteristics, along with big, white, wings, but no halos, as she does not imagine us as having them. We would look different to someone whose perception and imagination sees us differently. We would do this so whoever sees us recognizes us and can more easily accept and relate to whatever message we bring. It is the same for all high Guides, including those labeled as gods, because human beings rely on human, physical senses to understand most things. In actuality, Angels and all high Guides are ethereal. We have no permanent, physical bodies.

Those who you call gods do not compete with each other. They often work together and collaborate and coordinate their efforts to help humanity, and the ego you know as humans does not apply to them. There is no hierarchy. While they have a variety of gifts and often focus on a particular cause, the goal is always to help those who call on them, and they willingly try to help everyone. As a matter of fact, if you were to call on one for help with something, and He/She/It knew another high Guide whose gifts were better suited for the situation, they would likely call upon this Guide to help on your behalf.

To call on a Guide for help is not to worship them. Many people worry that seeking help from others who are or have been considered gods is unfaithful to the god they know, but this is only their misinterpretation. Ascended Masters, such as Yeshua and Buddha, often work together, in harmony, for the sake of others.

We would suggest that if you call on high guides, specifically or in general, you offer them gratitude for their help, as you would anyone who helps you. If you feel the need to pray, set up an altar, or display pictures or other representations of them, that is your choice, but it is not required. These beings are highly advanced and powerful in many ways, and they wish to help all who come to them. They already know and love you. Many of you made arrangements with them long before you incarnated, and they are already planning to help you, if they haven’t already. They may do so with or without your awareness, based on the life plan your soul put into place. Everything they do for you will be in your best interest.

We and they send you much Love and Light and will continue to support you in everything you do.

Final Thoughts

I’ve channeled, worked with, and gotten to know several high Guides from many places and traditions from all around the world. Some of my favorites to spend time with include Hilarion, Djwal Khul, Kuthumi, Freya, Melchizedek, Cosmos, and Lord Ganesh. I continue to channel the Archangels, Mother Mary, and Yeshua, also.

This past week, I met with Mother Mary nightly, and she gifted me with energies of Love and Peace. They all bring something, and they all want to help not just me, but you, also. I feel closer to some than I do others, but I’ve been welcomed by all. Every week, I blindly pull a card from an oracle deck, either Divine Masters or Keepers of the Light, both by Kyle Gray, and I channel them and meet with them for energetically filled meditations. They have very distinctive personalities, and I can tell the ones I’ve worked with before, because they are so happy to see me, and it feels like a reunion, rather than an introduction.

You can do this, too, without any worries that it is offensive to whatever god you know. They all want to help us, just as the Archangels do. They are all more sources of support, comfort, and guidance to whom we can reach out for assistance. I highly recommend this. It’s a beautiful experience.

This is going to be a crazy week, I think, with the US elections happening, and the collective energy I feel is restless and to some extent, fearful. Don’t buy into that energy, much less support it by adding to the fear, anxiety, and anger. Instead, spend some quiet moments reminding yourself that things are going to be okay, no matter who wins. However “un-okay” things may be in the outside world, we can all go inside ourselves and find peace, hope, and love and focus on it, choosing to share these things with the world, rather than add to the negativity.

Blessings to all of you.



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