The Archangels Explain How We Are Changing

Evolution is a hot topic these days and one you hear often in the spiritual community. We are evolving, to be sure, but what exactly does that mean, and how does that fit in with change and finding solutions to fix the messes we’ve made in our world? The Archangels have talked about signs and symptoms of The Shift, but I asked them to be more specific regarding the mass evolution happening on the planet, and their answer follows.
Question: When you say we are evolving, what do you mean, exactly? What does that look and feel like? Can you please give us some examples?
There are many examples we have been giving you for years. They are signs and commonalities you can easily recognize in your own journey. These include symptoms such as past trauma resurfacing, so that you may use the energies surrounding you to process and heal from it. There is a stronger awareness of inequality and injustice and a stronger reaction to the persecution of others.
There is a newer, fresher, and different sort of self-awareness that many are feeling that includes an awakening of inner power and a stronger belief in your capabilities, which is catching on with others more and more, and because of this new self-awareness, people are questioning their choices, their positions, information and beliefs they have been taught and the status quo in general. All of these things are due to the energies of the fifth dimension which surround and entice so many of you. These energies are triggering an evolution in humanity, one individual at a time.
Most common and most apparent are the mental and emotional aspects of this evolution, at least in the beginning. People notice more things, and they react to them more strongly. They begin to think more deeply and question things they have always accepted or taken for granted in the past. This often leads to spiritual changes and adjustments. Many question, reevaluate, and adjust religious and spiritual beliefs, because some things no longer make sense as they did in the past. This can lead to changes in beliefs or reevaluation and readjustments in belief systems. Some can reconcile with past beliefs in various ways, and others replace them with new beliefs. Neither consequence is right or wrong, other than as it pertains to the individual.
What is less apparent are the physical and energetic changes of this human evolution. Although it is not widely recognized yet, there are actual changes in your DNA that are taking place. Dormant strands are awakening and eventually, they will be noted by scientists and doctors.
The other less recognized area of evolution is in your energetic system, which most do not understand even in the general sense. This will eventually affect all physical body systems as the level of vibration experienced in a person’s energetic body rises. This will affect all aspects of your life. You will feel different and act and react differently over time to all kinds of things.
This is why and how worldwide change will happen. Many of you fear this kind of widespread change is impossible, but we tell you it is not, due greatly to the energy of the fifth dimension, which will cause changes in the way people view things, how they will want to strive to change and improve things, and how they will view themselves and others.
The things we tell you to expect were not possible when the Earth resided in the third dimension, but they are possible in the fifth dimension. Whereas in the past, there were individuals who were ahead of their time, whose views of the world were advanced, they were few in number and unable to gain enough momentum to enact widespread change, but now these advancements and heart-centered values are spreading throughout the masses, and they will be shared and promoted by the majority of people on Earth.
The difference between change and evolution is power and permanence. The upcoming thoughts and ideas that will lead to massive changes will not be passing fads that disappear as more time passes. No, they will strengthen and gain momentum as more people unite. The kinds of changes we speak of connected to this evolution will not be reversible or stopped. They will spread and conquer until they are the norm and not only accepted, but expected of and by others.
Tolerance for hatred, cruelty, persecution, inequality, and tyranny is waning. It is only a matter of time before people who practice such things, including powerful people in governments and other key positions, are exorcised and replaced by those who are heart-centered individuals who value all people. We know an immediate response from some of you when reading this will be, “What about the current wars going on around the world?”
We bid you to look more closely. There is a reverberating outcry among the masses protesting what is happening right now around the world. Part of that is due to the ease and availability of information, but part of that is also due to the evolution of humanity which pushes people to reject such violence and mistreatment of people. The perpetrators are being criticized, and eventually, they will not only be held accountable, but they will lose their positions of power and influence.
People who have targeted those weaker than they are, persecuted and attacked them in various ways, are being exposed and held accountable more than ever before. Sexual predators, bigots, and others who abuse and target people are being revealed and found to be repulsive, their behavior unacceptable. We know there are still pockets of acceptance of these actions and those who perpetuate them, but more and more people are shunning them and pushing for them to be held accountable for their atrocities. It has never been the majority of people who accepted these things, but they have gone unchecked, because the majority of people didn’t think they could do anything to stop them. That is changing now.
Yes, at times justice moves very slowly, but the fact is, it is finally being pursued. Consider that in many cases, nothing at all has been done in the past to hold people accountable and to stop their behavior, but now there is an increase in people who are no longer willing to ignore such behavior. Change can be slow in coming, but it is in development, for the first time in many cases. Things that have continued for many generations are finally being addressed.
We know it is hard to believe that such widespread, drastic changes like we are describing are possible on Earth, because in the past, it has not been possible, but The Shift into the fifth dimension, with all its energies and their effects, will make these changes possible. Peace around the world? Possible. Equality? Possible. An end to hunger and homelessness? Both possible. Saving the Earth from disease, climate change, and collapse? Absolutely possible.
These changes will take time, effort, and innovative thinking. Solutions must and will be found, and new, heart-centered leaders will be needed to make them happen, but the masses will unite and make these things possible. Have faith not just in the divine, but in yourselves. It is your nature to be good and kind. It is your nature to care about others and to help those in need. Some people have forgotten that, but your true natures are on the rise and will be realized, and you will succeed in making the world a better place. Give yourselves permission to have hope.
We send you all much Love and Light, along with our promise to help you reach this destination.
Final Thoughts
Perhaps the hardest thing to wrap my head around is the impact of the energetic changes that are not well understood in the first place, much less how much they are impacting everything on Earth down to the individual. It’s not that the energy controls us. It’s that it frees us. It frees us from fear, the perception that we are anything less than powerful, and it intensifies our desire for the world to be a better place. Since we have a very limited understanding of energy and its effects, other than the kinds of energy we’re familiar with and depend upon, such as electricity, solar, geothermal, etc., it’s hard to grasp how powerful it is and how it can close the door on the old ways of thinking and doing things and open the door to a new mindset and paradigm.
I like how they ended their message with suggesting that we give ourselves permission to hope. Yes, it’s hard to believe that the Earth can someday be the place they describe, featuring worldwide peace, an end to hunger and homelessness, and a place where all people have the opportunity to thrive, but rather than dismissing this alternate reality, we can choose to hope that it can come true, even if it’s difficult to imagine or believe it. Hope doesn’t have to be based on fact or the current reality. We can do whatever is within our power to change things, we can help other people, and we can have hope. That’s enough for now, I think.
In case you haven’t seen my November newsletter, we have a new intention for Friday night meditation for this month, and it’s Balance. This includes our own balance, and it’s also to help others find balance. The Angels specifically mentioned two areas of balance they want to address. The first is a balance of masculine and feminine energies, and the second is emotional balance.
Masculine and feminine energetic balance has nothing to do with gender or sexuality. We all have both of these energies, and when they’re in balance, it helps us with creativity as well as execution of creative ideas. Our feminine energy feeds our ideas and imagination, while our masculine energy helps with making our dreams into realities. If you’re out of balance, you might have lots of great ideas that never make it past the dream stage, or maybe you’re very driven toward success, but you don’t have any clue how to get there.
Emotions are energy, too. The Angels explain that hatred is actually an absence of love, an imbalance, just as fear is the absence of hope, also an imbalance. So, the second part of the intention is to promote emotional balance in ourselves and in others. When we are emotionally balanced, we can find peace.
So, if you’re available tonight and wish to join us, please set the intention for meditation as Balance and join your energy with the Angels’ energy, and they will direct it to wherever it’s most needed, including but not limited to ourselves. We’d love to have you.
I hope you have a beautifully balanced weekend and wallow in love, joy, hope, and peace.
Blessings, all.