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Update on The Shift

We're Going to Make Things Better

It’s been about three months since I last asked the Archangels for an update on The Shift, at which time they suggested we do one quarterly, so here we are.  Just like last time, when I sat down to write this, snippets of information started bombarding me, too fast to write down by hand, which is my preference initially, then I type it all up and make it into an article.  Usually, I calmly sit down, write down the question, then hear the answer, given at a pace that I can easily adjust to and keep up with, and I rarely have to ask them to slow it down.  I started writing, but the ideas immediately came too quickly, so I switched to the computer.


Question:  Will you please give us an update on how The Shift is progressing?




We will indeed do this.  Things have changed a lot since the last quarterly update, although these changes may not be as obvious to many of you as they are to us.  The big news is that the rise in individual and collective consciousness has been outstanding!  In the beginning, when The Shift began, as with many things on Earth, changes were small and began with changes in individuals’ consciousness, who eventually affected other individuals, and ideas and energy began to spread, until individuals became groups and had an effect on the general collective consciousness.


Now, there is a constant, powerful, spreading effect that impacts the individual and collective consciousnesses simultaneously.  There is no separating the two sectors of individual and collective, as they have merged.  This is significant for several reasons.  In the beginning, and you can still see this at times, the many differences people had often formed barriers between unity, but now, although people continue to be aware of others’ differences, those differences are beginning to matter less and less.  They are becoming minor influences, often simply observations, that in no way deter unity.  This is what we have been waiting for a very long time.  Rather than questioning the possibility of unity due to so many variances in people, there is a new awareness that those differences are minor compared to everything people have in common.


This is nothing short of remarkable!  You see the results of this new acceptance as more and more people stand up for those who are being persecuted for things that are not directly part of their own lives.  Some simple examples are people who are not interested in marrying someone of the same sex fighting for the right for others to do so, people who do not have to rely on IVF in order to have a family fighting for its accessibility to others who need it, and most exciting and most notable, those who are refuting lies that do not impact them, but they are defending those who are affected by them. 


This is relatively new on your planet.  In the past, if a lie was told about someone else, other people overlooked it.  They did not necessarily believe it, but neither did they contest it or deny it, much less seek the proof that would shed light on it, and this is no longer the normal reaction.  We know many of you are stressed out about the political climate right now, especially those of you facing upcoming elections, and we know you are tired of the anger, fear, and media coverage, but we wish to say that all of those involved in politics at this time who continue to spread lies are being challenged and refuted on what they are saying, and they are beginning to be held accountable for them.  The truth has never been sought after by so many before, and not just to prove who is right or wrong, who is lying, but because the truth has become important again! 


Let us say, there are liars in every political camp, and we do not promote one side over another, but we do promote and encourage the truth.  Rather than tell you what it is, we would prefer that you make a choice to find it for yourself, as long as you commit to not lying to yourself when you find it, should it prove to be uncomfortable or inconvenient.  Whether you publicly acknowledge what you find or share it with others does not matter, but commit to knowing it yourself.


The reason this is so incredible is that it will carry over long after all the elections are finished.  Whoever wins in whatever race will continue to be held accountable for what they say and do, so it will become apparent soon that, just because someone wins the race, does not mean that they are off the hook in terms of their future choices and decisions.  People will continue to watch and listen.  They will no longer wait until the next election rolls around to become riled if there is dishonesty and wrongdoing.  They will demand answers and accountability from now on.  


The truth matters again, and that is a cornerstone of fifth dimensional mindset.  Yes, we know, there are still those who shun the truth, but they are becoming fewer in number.  Those who perpetuate lies are beginning to see that this strategy is no longer as effective as it used to be.  They have used it for so long, they do not have any others to take its place, so they lie even more, but the desire to find the truth is beginning to outweigh the fear that has dissuaded people from seeking it for so long.  More and more people want inconvenient truths to supplant comfortable lies, even though this offers its own challenges.


We have said for some time that truths would be revealed in all areas of life, and this has come to pass and will continue to happen.  Look at the people who have gotten away with harming others and breaking the laws of society for so long who are now facing scrutiny and legal charges.  Famous people who were able to escape punishment are no longer able to do so, or at least they will not be able to escape for much longer.  These are powerful people we speak of.  Politicians, entertainers, celebrities, the rich and powerful.  Coverups are being found and brought to the light, and the enablers who allowed for the mistreatment and wrong doing to continue will also be brought forth to answer for their actions.  People who have escaped justice before will have to face it now or in the near future.


Because of the energy involved in The Shift, people who are awakening and who have experienced a rise in consciousness are also far more difficult to intimidate now, and this new trend will continue to grow.  Why?  Because more and more of you fit into this category.  More people are no longer afraid of the people who have controlled and held them back before, and they are beginning to believe more in themselves and their own power.  The commodities, the things that will be sought by others that are gaining the most traction for the future include things like integrity, character, honesty, charity, empathy, and the desire to help others and to do the right thing.  In short, heart power is at an all-time high, and it will be the most important characteristic people will look for in terms of doing business with and on which to pursue and invest time and money.  For those who are familiar with the Beatitudes mentioned in the Bible, many of these descriptions of character are the ones which will finally prevail on Earth in the future.


Businesses and those who conduct business who fail to realize this will not continue to survive, much less thrive.  This will hold true in terms of employment, patronage, and choices about with whom people will choose to interact on personal and professional levels.  The businesses who have made it a habit to undercut others or to crush others in the name of profit will cease to exist within the next couple of decades, and you can see signs of that changing already.


So, do not be afraid of these upcoming elections and the people behind them.  Whoever wins, and despite what groups and individuals are trying to do in order to gain more control, people are done accepting what they know is not right. The power seekers may gain small victories, but in doing so, they will trigger even more unity, and their short-lived victories will be undermined, overtaken, and reversed.  There will be no place for them or their ideas in mainstream society.


Your increase in the true nature of humanity, that is, caring about each other and standing up for each other has gained too much strength now to be shut down.  In the past, small movements were able to accomplish a few things, but now small movements are becoming larger movements, and more people are getting involved.  Those who are not yet directly involved are seeking ways to become more involved, and soon, it will become evident that the masses are gaining not only unity, but enough power behind this unity to enact change.  One of the main truths that has begun to stand out to so many of you is that the laws and systems in place do not reflect the desires and needs of the majority, and that is no longer acceptable.  Change is coming.


It is becoming increasingly difficult to separate the rise in individual consciousness with the rise in the collective consciousness.  More and more, they are becoming inseparable, because more and more, they are rising together.  It is still good advice to make time for self-care, but if you are lacking in time, it is becoming more and more easy to find others who can lift you up until you can again lift yourself up.  This is unity.  This is universal connection.


And here is where we reiterate that, yes, there is still so much work for you to do, and the chaos and discord is still very prevalent and easy to find, but we can say without doubt and with the utmost confidence that things are most certainly getting better, and that you, humanity in general, are gaining strength and feeling your power.  You will no longer wait for elections to raise your voice against what needs to change.  There are enough of you now that your voices will be heard at any time of your choosing, and people will listen.  It will become easier to address your concerns in some way than to dismiss you.  Those in power may not be ready to sound the retreat or admit defeat yet, but they will.  You are no longer so easily malleable or so easily influenced and controlled.  You are feeling your power.  You are feeling the universal connection that binds us all together.  You are trading your fear for hope and determination.  You may still lose a battle from time to time, but you will not lose the war for peace, equality, acceptance, and love for all.  It will take more time, but the conclusion is inevitable now.


We celebrate you and how far you have come, and we have no doubt that the next time we discuss and update you on The Shift, there will be even more good news to share.  We have always remained dedicated to you, and we have always fought for you, but there is such an uplifting for us in our work for you now, because we see you gaining ground steadily and discovering the potential that you have always had. 


We feel pride for you and a reconnection with you that we have missed greatly since the fall of the Earth so long ago.  Many more of you are seeking us, finding us, and inviting us to become more actively involved in your lives, and we are very pleased to do so.  Call on us and ask us for energies of Light and Love.  Invite our guidance and our help.  We stand ready to serve you.


Final Thoughts


I hope that some of you can feel the hope and love that I felt as I channeled this update.  Beyond that, I hope you can sense the excitement the Angels feel at our progress.  Sometimes, it’s hard to see what they see, but the truth is in the energy.


Since I began channeling the Angels years ago, the prevailing emotion I felt from the collective energy was fear, and that’s no longer the case.  There were times I felt so much fear around me, I was desperate to channel a message that would offer hope in order to comfort others as well as  escape that pervasive fear I could so clearly sense. 


If I had to put a name to what I feel now, the overall energy surrounding me feels like determination.  It reminds me of that saying, and for the life of me, I can’t remember where it originated – some movie? – “We’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it anymore!”  Only it’s not anger, like it says in the statement that I feel, it’s determination, as I said.  I don’t feel collective anger like I feel from people who are fighting amongst each other, I feel a new sense of peaceful persistence.  It’s a feeling of dissatisfaction about how things are being done and it’s paired with a desire to find ways to change them.  It’s pretty cool!


As a reminder, Friday night meditation tonight is still focused on compassion for ourselves and for those who have not yet found it.  The Angels will be waiting and alert to collect our energies of love and compassion for everyone, and they will help the energy reach whoever needs it the most, adding their own to it.  Wherever you are, at whatever time is convenient, you’re invited to participate.


I hope you have a very hopeful, joyful weekend.  I know things feel rough from time to time, but I hope you’ll take what the Angels have said about our progress in The Shift to heart.  Things are getting better, because we’re evolving and getting better.  We’re going to make things get better, and we’ll do it for good reasons; not for personal gain, but for the peace and wellbeing of all.  It’s awesome to be part of something like that, isn’t it?


Blessings, all.




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