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Uniformity is NOT Unity

The Archangels Tell Us the Differences

I remember when I was a kid, my mother set a beautiful table, especially on holidays.  All the dishes matched, all the colors coordinated.  It was quite beautiful, and it was very … boring!  Sorry, Mama!  I was well into my adulthood when I gave into the idea that I don’t like everything to match and be the same.  I like different colors and shapes and contrasts. 


When I taught in public schools, there was always a debate about uniforms and dress code.  I sided with the students and thought they should be able to wear what they wanted, within reason, and I endorsed freedom of expression.  There were some teachers who wanted to limit not only clothes choice, but makeup, hair color, jewelry, nail polish, etc.  Some carried around mini-rulers, so they could measure things like hemlines and the circumference of hoop earrings!  And oh my God, let’s not forget about how exceedingly important it was to tuck in shirts!  Some people acted more like the gestapo than educators.  I was sometimes criticized for not enforcing some of the policies.  In all honesty, I didn’t notice if a kid didn’t tuck in his or her shirt or was chewing gum! 


I also advocated for kids being able to listen to their music while they worked or eat snacks.  Some kids can concentrate better when they listen to music or eat.  Hell, as long as they got their work done and behaved, I was fine with letting them do it their way.  People learn differently, and a good teacher leaves some leeway for different learning styles and wants their students to feel comfortable and safe and accepted.  That’s when learning takes place, and it doesn’t matter what they’re wearing or whether or not their shirts are tucked in.


You hear a lot about white supremacy groups and other groups, like Christian Nationalism, talk about unity and sticking together, but they don’t want unity.  They want uniformity, and that’s a whole different kind of animal.  I asked the Archangels to expand on the comparison of the two, and their answer follows.


Question:  People in groups like Christian Nationalism and White Supremacy, along with certain religious factions want everyone to do, be, and act the same, meaning in a way of which they approve, and they bar a lot of people from entering their domains for various reasons.  They want uniformity, and they sometimes call it unity.  Can you please address this and touch on the strength that diversity can offer?




Absolutely.  People in such groups have a very narrow-minded view of what is acceptable, and yes, that view is based on what they like and dislike, who they are, and how they see the world.  What they fail to realize is that, although they are trying to force conformity, there is no such thing as uniformity in regard to humanity. 


They dream of an ideal that is impossible to obtain except in very small numbers.  They accept and discard people according to their own standards without being able to see that, regardless of the standards they have approved, they are severely outnumbered by everyone else if they have adopted the ideas of exclusivity and entitlement. 


The points they have chosen to focus on have little to do with humanity as a whole, and everything to do with their biased and prejudiced views regarding humanity.  In reality, they want a secluded and exclusive club that bars everyone else from entering and joining.  In reality, they live their lives in fear and cannot see that they are the problem, rather than the solution.


The fear and ignorance in which they live do not allow them to consider or welcome anyone who is different from them.  In many cases, there is no explanation as to why different people are not welcome, and if there are reasons provided, they do not make sense.  The idea that one race, religion, gender, nationality, etc. is superior to all others does not make sense to anyone except themselves.


Can you imagine a meeting discussing finding ways to increase their membership or group size?  They can’t just go out and recruit people at random, because there is only a limited amount of people who would fit their idea of who is acceptable, and many who qualify do not agree with their idea of segregation or entitlement.  Do you see why their numbers are doomed to dwindle as more people awaken to the 5D mindset?  5D energy supports unity, not uniformity.  It supports personal rights and choices, not power and control over others and not persecution or seclusion.


This is why churches and religions are losing members in great numbers.  Those who promote exclusion of others, persecution, and condemnation of others, along with entitlement and favoritism for themselves no longer fit into the new 5D setting and mindset.  They will not be able to find replacements for the people who leave, because their ideals are no longer energetically supported.  They will strive to hold onto and control their youth, their children through control and brainwashing them, but as The Shift continues to gain ground, they will lose ground as well as the people who awaken.


Unity is not uniformity.  In fact, they are on opposite sides of the spectrum.  Uniformity is based on a set of criteria and limits who is accepted, while unity welcomes virtually everyone.  Uniformity is based on controlling others, while unity is based on acceptance of others.  Uniformity judges while unity welcomes.  Unity will always defeat uniformity, because those who want uniformity do not only face opposition from outsiders, but they battle to maintain power over insiders, as well.  While uniformists seek to bar people from leaving or entering, people who seek unity keep the doors open, so people can come and go as they please.  Uniformists stay within their exclusive groups out of fear, while members in unity wish to be there.


When all are welcomed, the pool of people, gifts, talent, experience, knowledge, etc. is varied and encompasses and answers a variety of needs, whereas a group steeped in uniformity has a much smaller collection to choose from, and by its very nature is limited in scope, width, and depth.


There is strength and power in diversity, regardless of the areas which are diversified.  Nobody knows or can excel at everything but the more diversified the group, the more aspects of any given field are able to be well addressed.  Every person, every background, every experience, and every lifetime offer a wealth of information and knowledge.  Everyone involved has many ideas and experiences that add to this wealth that can benefit others.


If a group is made up of members who are accepted based on limited and limiting criteria, if they are very similar to each other and lack diversity, there is very little they can teach each other, and their understanding and experience with other people will be severely limited.  This usually does not present as a problem for them, as most are content to live in their own limited and limiting point of view.  They prefer their own company, and they are happy to remain ignorant of reality, which is why outsiders are not welcome.


When people are open-minded, they learn more.  If open-minded people from opposing sides in a conflict listened to each other with open minds and hearts, they would understand each other better, and they would recognize commonalities, as well as differences.  In this way, they are more likely to find common ground and compromise.  This, along with diversity, is what is needed to make a war-free world.


Power hungry people like uniformity, because they can more easily see people who do not conform to what they are told to do.  It is all about control.  They do not try to empower others, they want others to defer to the leadership.  They do not foster creativity or encourage individuality.  They want everyone to fit the mold they are given, and if they cannot or do not fit within the prescribed confines, they are not allowed to participate in any way or even stay.  They do not want people to think for themselves, they want people to do what they are told.


Unity leads to strength, equality, and inclusion.  It fosters respect, acceptance, and understanding.  It leads to growth and change.  It is not without its challenges, because people who differ from each other in various ways must be willing to learn and compromise in order to understand each other.  Blending is not always easy.  However, when you make the effort to listen, learn, and understand others, you grow, evolve, and become more.  Uniformity aims to separate people.  Unity’s goal is to join people.


Final Thoughts


For me, this fits in with churches who do not allow people to question the beliefs and practices in place, and those who do are persecuted and shamed.  I read once that certain churches’ officials were not happy when literacy levels increased, because in the past when most people were not educated and couldn’t read, they were more likely to accept direction and interpretation of religious texts and practices without question.  Once people became educated and literate, not only were they able to read internal information for themselves, they were able to go outside the religious texts and get more information, which sometimes led to them questioning why and how things were done a certain way.


I’ve read so many horror stories on Medium about people who were abused in churches, not just physically, but emotionally when they began to question things.  Guilt, shame, and other kinds of abuse were slung at them, and they were castigated and ostracized.  People in groups such as these do not want people to think for themselves or even know the truth in many cases.  They are looking for compliance without question.  They want people to follow instructions and do what they are told.


These are the “my way or the highway” kind of people.  There’s no room for compromise or deviance from what they have determined to be the norm, or what is acceptable.  There is no room for growth, evolution, or expansion of ideas.


Going back to school dress code, most elementary and middle schools require uniforms these days, at least in the area where I live.  They say part of the rationale is safety.  If there’s a kid who is not wearing a uniform, they’re easy to spot, and it’s easy to see they don’t belong.  Tucking in a shirt prevents trying to hide a weapon.  If everyone looks alike, nobody feels out of place.  I disagree. 


Anyone can get their hands on similar clothing, uniform or not, and blend in.  If a kid wants to bring a weapon to school, they’re likely to hide it in their backpacks or lockers, rather than on their person.  While it’s true that kids who live in poverty wouldn’t have clothes as nice as their richer counterparts, there are lessons to be learned there, too, including compassion and charity.  The gestapo teachers who berated students for not conforming with dress code in some way were not doing so for safety reasons.  They liked the control they had over the kids.  It made them feel more powerful.  How sad for them and the kids.


School has become boring and rote.  It’s no wonder kids hate it.  Teachers are told what and how to teach, and scripted programs are pushed.  Scripted programs assume all of the students have the same needs, strengths, and weaknesses, and they do not.  We should be fostering creativity and imagination and making things more interesting and offering more choices, but we don’t, because the powers that be have decided it’s better to hold kids accountable using multiple choice tests that have little to do with self-expression or problem solving.  It’s no wonder they find it difficult to be innovative in the work force and to think outside the box.


Do you think it’s coincidental that people are trying to control, edit, add to, and delete the school curriculum and what is available in school libraries?  It is not.  There are parents and other organizations who want to strengthen their control over children and limit what they learn for their own nefarious reasons.  These are the people who want to put religious teachings in public schools, take out sex education and library books that inform about things they disapprove of, including alternative lifestyles and choices that go against what they have deemed acceptable.  They want uniformity, not unity.  They want ignorance and to withhold information that could lead to challenges against their beliefs and authority.  All of these movements to withhold parts of history and rewrite it to suit their ideals have to do with uniformity.  How else are they going to continue to control their kids and block out the parts of history and the present world they find uncomfortable, inconvenient, and a challenge to their authority?


Uniformity does not breed strength or problem solving or thinking out of the box.  Uniformists are okay with that, because they want control, and they want to do the thinking, decision making, and problem solving themselves.  They want their followers to follow, not lead.  Diversification leads to expansion and strengths that cannot be found in uniformity.  Uniformity is not unity.


Blessings, all.


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