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The Archangels Talk About the Big 4

Joy, Hope, Love, and Peace

Last week, I penned an article about relearning how to pray, and in it, the Archangels referred to “The Big 4,” which they coined to represent the four most important ingredients for a fulfilling, tranquil life, and they are joy, hope, love, and peace.  They have included this in pretty much every message I’ve channeled since the New Year, and it is clearly a theme of sorts for 2025.  So, I asked them to explain the Big 4 in more depth.  Below is their response.


Question:  Good morning.  I would like to expand upon your “Big 4” theme.  Please help.




We were counting on it!  For the past couple of years, we have focused heavily on self-care to the point you felt it was very repetitive, correct?  We did indeed repeat often that the key to overcoming the chaos brought about by unprecedented changes in the world would begin and end with self-care. 


The Big 4 – joy, hope, love, and peace – is a continuation of this, an expansion, if you will.  The purpose of focusing on the Big 4 is to provide you all with categories in which to sort and organize your goals, opportunities, plans, and priorities.  If you will consider these areas going forward, your life will be much more rewarding.


We suggest that you put the Big 4 at the center of your life as you move forward, and before finalizing your choices and actions, you reflect on these all-important aspects of life and consider how they will be affected by all future endeavors.  If you make it a habit to ask yourself how these areas will be affected by the choices you make and ensure your choices are compatible with them, your life will be more fulfilling, and you will be able to overcome any and all obstacles you encounter.


We know there will be many things to consider as you move forward, but if you focus on joy, hope, love, and peace and work to maintain them all at high levels, if your choices come from your heart as well as your head, you and your power will soar.  There will be times when compromise will be needed, when one or more of these four areas will suffer in order to meet obligations, but if you are aware of this, it will be faster and easier to restore balance in your life by targeting these areas. 


For example, if you decide to change jobs, because the new position pays more money, and you will be able to accomplish some more things that bring you hope and peace as you become financially solvent, but you know the job will also cause you a loss of joy and love, you can work to find other avenues for joy and love outside of work, such as spending more time doing things that bring more love and joy into your life outside of work. 


The main thing is to maintain high levels of the Big 4 in your life as much as possible and to make sure to make them part of the decision-making process at all times.  This is extremely important, and we will tell you why.


When you have joy, hope, love, and peace in your life at high levels, you are tapping into heart power, and it can positively affect not only you, but others around you.  This ties into so many things we have shared with you, including addressing conflict and including compassion in all aspects of dealing with other people, as well as yourself. 


There will be people who try to control you and hold you back in the near future.  You will be tempted to meet their anger and abuse with more of the same, but to do so threatens the Big 4.  It will become more important to stand up for others and for what is right, but you must practice doing so with compassion, not anger.


When you stand up for what is right, focus on who your actions will help, rather than who they will defeat.  Feel good about those who benefit, but do not rejoice in the angst of others.  In other words, do not act against others as much as for those who will benefit from fairer practices.  Rejoice and celebrate the good that comes from helpful and just actions and movements, without persecuting those people who tried to stand in the way.  You can work to defeat their actions without working to defeat the people who wish to implement them.  Do not make it a personal attack against others.  Instead, make it a movement to help others.


This is where compassion comes in.  Let it be at the center of your choices and actions.  As you have compassion for those who are being targeted and persecuted by others, try also to find compassion for their persecutors, who do not have the Big 4 in their lives and do not know what is right and just.  Consider how ignorant and misguided they are to do the things they do.  They are miserable and lost, and they will be sorely disappointed when they realize that even if they are at times successful in their pursuits, they will never enjoy the Big 4 in their lives, because whether they acknowledge it or not, in their hearts, and especially in their souls, they know that what they are doing is wrong.


If you can find compassion for those who persecute others, they will know defeat sooner, and their efforts will fail, because compassion comes from the heart and is much more powerful than emotions which do not come from the heart, such as anger, hatred, and fear.  When you act with heart energy, the energetic battle is more easily won, which translates into successful actions and plans being accomplished.  When you add more anger, fear, and hatred, you lose energetically, and you strengthen those energies and endanger the outcome you wish to see. 


There will be times when these emotions try to overtake you.  People will make you fearful and angry, and when righteousness is threatened, it can easily lead to these types of unproductive energies.  When this happens, pause and remind yourself of your motivations.  Remember that you are acting out of love and hope, that peace and joy should be available to all people.  You stand for these things, not anger, fear, and hatred.  You act out of unity and compassion for all, rather than out of a need to control and persecute.  When you do this, the Big 4 are strengthened, and so are you and your actions. 


There will be many battles for control in the future.  Remember to keep the Big 4 at the forefront and center of your actions.  Plan around joy, hope, love, and peace.  The more diligently you do this, the faster your battles will be won, both personally and collectively.  Know that as you strengthen yourself and your life around these four areas, you also strengthen the collective energy and unity.  Focus on maintaining the Big 4 in your personal life, and the rest will fall into place.


Final Thoughts


I think it’s likely that, in order to bring about the changes that are so desperately needed, there are going to be major battles for control, not physical hopefully, but strategic, and that require unity among the masses.  We have to move beyond thinking that the people who want to promote changes we are not in favor of are our enemies.  We don’t have to give into their demands, and we should certainly stand together against tyranny, inequality, and the persecution of others, but that does not mean we need to stomp them into the ground, so they know they’ve been soundly beaten. 


We have to remember that when we aim or return fear, anger, and hatred at others, they are not weakened, they’re strengthened, because those energies are strengthened.  We can be firm without being cruel.  What’s the point of fighting against persecution of others, when we exercise persecution against those with whom we disagree?  That’s pretty hypocritical, don’t you think?  


When we can, we need to think win/win.  When that’s not possible, and we have to stand firm against a particular idea or action or those who want to perpetuate it, we need to do so with compassion and treat the misguided and defeated with respect, not because we excuse or agree with them, but because they are human beings who deserve to be treated as such.  Maybe they’ll learn from better treatment, and maybe they won’t, but we don’t need to try to make them feel worse than they already do.  After all, if what the Angels say is true, and these people don’t have joy, hope, love, and peace in their lives, they’re already in pain and miserable.  Imagine what life would be like without the Big 4.  That’s not the kind of life I want to experience.


As I move forward, I’m going to try to remind myself about incorporating the Big 4 into my life.  I’m facing a lot of changes and considering several opportunities and options in the coming year, between moving to a new home and weighing which avenues best suit me regarding my work with the Angels and sharing their messages.  I want part of my process for decision making to include considering how all my choices will affect the Big 4 in my life.  I don’t want to make changes that will decrease these areas, but rather choices that will increase them.  I hope you will all consider doing the same thing, because we all deserve more joy, hope, love, and peace in our lives, and it’s up to us to find and keep those things.


Don’t forget that tonight, at any time you’re available, from wherever you are, is Friday night group meditation with the Archangels.  If you’re so inclined, call on them and focus on the January theme of hope for all.  They ask that we don’t exclude anyone from this combined energy.  Offer it to everyone, and add to it.  The best way to fight fear is by focusing on hope, and fear is at the base of most unsavory movements for change these days.  By joining the Angels, we help to transform fear into hope, hopefully for those who need that the most, but also for us. 


Have a Happy Friday, and a wonderful, hopeful weekend, and I hope you’ll try to find more ways to bring the Big 4 into focus and make all these areas priorities as you move forward in all things. 


Blessings, all.




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