The Archangels Lead the Way

Although I didn’t stop being a Christian until after I began to channel the Archangels, I began questioning my religion in my early 20’s, some 40 years ago (I didn’t start channeling until about six years ago. Growing up, my mother sat down on our beds as we folding our hands and prayed a modified version of “Now I lay me down to sleep …”. I have always felt a divine presence in my life that I believed was the Christian God. After I began to channel the Archangels, I asked them if it was God, them, or someone else. They said it didn’t matter, which wasn’t a very conclusive or satisfying answer at the time (they do that a lot, want us to figure things out for ourselves).
Before I channeled, I prayed every night. Then, the idea, not to mention the image, I had of God began to change, and I got confused. The Angels told me that there were many ways to pray, formally and informally, including meditation, channeling, walking in nature, and many more. I’d been taught to pray to “God the Father” more than anyone else, and once I stopped thinking of “Him” as the older man with a beard, sitting on a throne in Heaven, it felt weird, so I mostly stopped the traditional kind of prayer. I still prayed the rosary from time to time, but it also was a modified version, excluding the prayers or parts of prayers that no longer resonated.
I’ve mentioned in previous articles, that I work with a new high Guide every week or two, and last week, I began to work with the Archangel Charity, who said she was going to help me become comfortable with prayer again. I told her praying felt confusing now and asked her how I should pray. I’ll let the Angels take it from here.
Question: I no longer think of God as the old man in the sky sitting on the throne, but I miss our conversations, and I’m not sure how to proceed when it comes to praying to God anymore. Please help me. (This is the question I asked of Charity, but her answer will come later. First, the Archangels want to speak.)
We will help clarify this, and we would like to say that the confusion you have experienced and are overcoming is normal and powerful. You were told to pray to a father-type figure who looked and sometimes acted human. It was partly this image, along with the description that accompanied it, that led to the questioning of your faith and the seeking of answers your religion could not provide.
Also, we would add that many people are afraid to question, as you initially were, and we wish to say that questioning is welcomed by the Creator, who has nothing to hide or defend. The human traits that have been attached to Him/Her/It are invalid. The Creator is not jealous, vengeful, wrathful, or cruel, as He/She/It is often depicted in the Bible. The Creator loves all human beings, as well as all other beings of creation, unconditionally and does not favor any one group or religion over others. He/She/It does not punish or reward behavior, and there is no judgment or condemnation given to anyone.
Because of The Shift, many of the old beliefs and religions are being questioned, and this is good and necessary. We will repeat what we have said many times and tell you that if your religious views bring you joy, hope, love, and peace, it is a good religion for you to practice, especially if it inspires you to lead a life of being kind and helpful to others.
However, if your religion promotes hate or persecution of others, if it marginalizes and excludes others and induces fear or shame, the Creator is not a part of it, and you would do well to find a better path that leads you to joy, hope, love, and peace, as well as kindness to ALL others, including those who do not practice this religion, for the Creator is an all-inclusive God who loves everyone and favors no one group or religion.
Now, we will address this notion of prayer and the confusion that sometimes results when you question or leave a religion in which you no longer believe or practice. Human beings, in general, prefer the concrete to the abstract. You are very sensory oriented, that is, you rely greatly on the five human senses. This is true to the extent that most of you have forgotten how to use your higher senses, such as your intuition, the “clairs,” and other psychic abilities. You have lost the ability to access communication between other dimensions to include receiving guidance and interacting with high Guides, Angels, and the Creator, at least to the extent that you recognize it for what it is.
The good news is, these abilities and senses are not really lost, they are only misplaced, and now that the Earth has shifted into a higher dimension, more and more of you are rediscovering them. This is a wonderful thing, but it also causes some discomfort for some, as they begin to question beliefs, roles, practices, systems, etc. in which they have always accepted and participated but that no longer resonate with them. This is what is happening now, and this is why more and more people are leaving religion, because most religions and those who oversee them are not tolerant of questions and uncertainty, much less helpful in resolving any issues that arise. The standard answer is often a threat of punishment, condemnation, and/or shame.
When you practice any religion, you are usually taught how to pray and to whom to pray. It is usually extremely structured and includes rules, instructions, do’s and don’t’s, etc. Rarely is any deviation allowed or encouraged. The new 5D energy is causing many of you to question anything that is exclusive to others, much less persecutes others or does not view all people as equally valuable and worthy. Regardless of what church leaders and followers tell you when it comes to “non-believers,” your heart will tell you differently if they are portrayed as being lesser.
Sometimes, this has a domino effect. A person questions something and concludes that it is in error, then other doubts arise and more ideas are discarded, which is why most churches do not encourage any questioning. Then, confusion sets in. We will use our channel’s experience and process to illustrate this.
The first thing she questioned was that non-Christians would be condemned to hell for eternity, regardless of the good they did during their lives, because they did not know or worship Yeshua. Other disbeliefs followed, much like dominos falling, until she began to feel confused, not to mention worried that her loss of faith would offend God.
She remained under the label of “Christian” until she realized that leaving the church and religion behind did not mean she had to leave Yeshua, Mary, God, and others behind, including us after she began to channel. Eventually, she came to the conclusion – and we did not tell her this – that she could cease being a Christian without parting ways with all the things and “people” she adored. She decided to give up the church and religion, but she held onto the parts her heart held so dear and assured her were real.
Meanwhile, although she is not one who requires a lot of structure in her life, she struggled with certain aspects, especially prayer. We explained that prayer can mean many things to many people, and there are many methods to practice it. Many of the prayers from her Protestant and Catholic backgrounds ceased to resonate with her, but what she missed the most were her nightly conversations with God. The confusion came, because she no longer thought of God as the white, bearded man sitting on a throne in Heaven, so she was not sure who to pray to with confidence or how to pray without the image of “The Father,” at least not nightly, as she had before. She believed her prayers were heard, but she struggled to sort out who heard them.
The Archangel Charity went to her and offered to help. She told her immediately that she was “too hung up” on the “who” and should instead focus on the “what and why.” Charity explained that the Creator, as well as many of the Angels, high Guides, and Masters all heard her prayers at any given time, and many wished to help her. She went on to suggest that a session of prayer should include certain things, not to please us or the Creator, but to help her and the world and the universe. For us, prayer is not a form of worship, it is a form of communication.
Charity suggested beginning with prayers of gratitude, followed by prayers for others who are suffering or struggling, and finally, conclude with whatever prayers, thoughts, questions, etc. she was struggling with personally. When someone prays, meditates, or engages in any way with God, Angles, Guides, Masters, etc., especially when the prayers come from the heart, the energy attached to them is pure and powerful. There is good reason to believe in the power of prayer, no matter what form it takes. Heart energy has a positive effect on everyone and everything.
Prayer easily ties into manifestation, visualization, and most importantly, to joy, hope, love, and peace on a personal as well as a collective level. When you pray for others, the energy is often channeled directly to them and offers them strength and comfort. Even if you do not know how to facilitate that, we often do and will make sure they receive this energy and its benefits.
Charity’s advice is good for everybody. When you offer prayers of gratitude, it triggers the “Big 4,” joy, hope, love, and peace. You will indeed hear about these crucial areas of life again and again this year. When you pray for others in need for whatever reason, it is helpful for them and you, as it also triggers the Big 4. Finally, when you offer prayers for your own requests, it inspires faith, confidence, and clarity, and it empowers you, not to mention it opens wider, faster, easier lines of communication between you and other dimensions and your spiritual team.
So, pray in whatever way resonates with you, and know that your prayers are heard. If pre-composed, religious prayers give you comfort, use them. If a walk in nature feels good, do it. Or, if the last thing you do at night is have a conversation with the One you think of as God, Source, or goes by any other name, please do so.
We send you all healing energies of Love and Light, and we wish all of you great quantities of joy, hope, love, and peace.
Final Thoughts
When I set out to channel this, I didn’t realize I’d be the featured example, but as they knew, I don’t mind. I hope it helps someone make sense of things and gives them comfort and clarity. For the last nearly two weeks, Charity has sat with me nightly and prayed with me. I’ve loved and enjoyed it so much, and I’ve once again regained the comfort I used to have through prayers. I’ve always believed in the power of prayer, but I have a better understanding now of why it’s so powerful. It’s the energy it generates connected to “the Big 4,” joy, hope, love, and peace, that makes it so spectacular, and that energy affects us and everything around us. It activates that divine spark we were all born with, connecting us to the divine and to each other. It’s really beautiful and powerful.
Please note that neither the Angels nor I are against religion or religious prayer. As they said, if it brings you “the Big 4 (the first time they coined that phrase was for this article), that’s great. If it inspires you to be kind to others, even better! What religion should never do is cause fear, shame, guilt, or dread. It should never be used to hurt, target, persecute, or abuse anyone else. If it does, you’re in the wrong place, if you’re looking for God. This article in no way is meant to offend anyone. I still get hate mail from time to time, although not very often anymore, and really, it’s a waste of time. Although I sometimes fear the evils of people, I don’t believe in hell, the devil, demons, etc., and I don’t fear God. I love Him/Her/It, and I know I’m also loved. And if there’s any doubt, if you don’t get anything else from this article, I hope you know that you are loved, too. Unconditionally.
The intention for Friday night meditation (another form of prayer), this month is hope. Hope for you, me, and everyone else, for the world and the universe. If you’d like to join us from wherever you are, whenever you’re available, you’re very welcome to call on the Archangels and join us. They’ll add their energies to yours, and they’ll direct the resulting energy where it needs to go.
I hope you have a weekend full of the Big 4!
Blessings, all.