A Channeled Message from My Soul

In my last article, I shared with you that over the weekend, I got many signs and messages that major changes were coming my way personally, and when I later channeled my soul, as I do weekly, I was told that we are all going through many changes, whether we are aware of them or not.
I’ve had four energetic exchanges so far this week, and true to the information I received before these sessions with Shiva started, they are major changes, and I have felt them physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and or course, energetically. I will eventually describe these sessions, but for now, I’d like to share what my soul told me regarding changes we will all be going through this year.
Question: Can you please explain some of the changes that are happening to people right now and what we can expect?
I am you, and you are me. We are of the same mind in many things, including this latest transition we are undergoing, and I am happy to fill in some of the blanks for you and others regarding what to expect with so many upcoming changes.
Everyone is changing right now in various ways, and most do not know this. Most of these changes are subtle and gradual and although many will feel different, most will set aside this inkling of changes they sense happening to them without examining things too closely. These are all good and necessary changes that are needed to access and process 5D energies and the helpful, healing, strengthening energies being sent to Earth by many beings at this time to assist with The Shift.
This has been happening for years, but it is now faster and more intense. The energies all people have been receiving, whether they realize this is happening or not, have reached or will shortly reach a point of saturation.
The higher one’s natural vibration, the faster and easier it is to process and adjust to these new energies. As the Angels have said for years, many people are beginning to view things more clearly and notice things more fully, as if blinders have been lifted. Most are realizing that current systems are no longer working, if indeed they ever did. These realizations will eventually lead to unity and change.
The people who will struggle most with these changes are those who cling to the 3D mindset of fear and survival. When anything begins to look or feel different, as though something is changing either internally or externally, they are automatically fearful that the changes will be harmful. Sadly, it is not the changes themselves that are harmful, but their reactions to these changes that is the problem.
People such as these will automatically feel threatened by any changes, even if the change is positive and helpful, and they will react in fear and in anger. People like these are easy to find. They are often obnoxious and volatile and consider anyone who thinks and reacts differently from them to be an enemy. They are easily misled by those who wish to control and manipulate them, and they look for a scapegoat for their problems, which is often presented to them by those who wish to control them. They are led to believe that all their problems will be solved if the pronounced scapegoat is targeted and cast out.
These people are worthy of pity and compassion, because they know no peace. They have very little joy, love, and hope, either. Rather than being willing to wait and see if things will be alright or get better, or considering that their fears could be unfounded, they feed their fears until they are convinced the worst will happen. They do not know how to break this cycle, and they tend to surround themselves with people of like minds, so they exacerbate and reinforce each other. This is why they are so easy to manipulate. They are looking for someone to save them from what they fear will happen, and there is never a shortage of people who will claim to be their saviors.
Usually, and only for some, time is the only thing that convinces them that their fears are unfounded, and that only happens after progress is made in the changes that are necessary that they so fear, and they begin to see their fears are unfounded. It is a very disturbing way to live.
For those who are more open to change, the process is easier. For those who welcome and embrace change, even more so. While all change is stressful to a certain extent, if you can consider that the changes might make things better, stress is reduced. Most people today agree that many changes, systemic in nature in many cases, are certainly needed. They realize that the current world is not working. It is helpful to get away from “the devil you know is better than the unknown” attitude and actively seek better ways of doing things.
As for the changes everyone is going through, they are permanent and at the cellular and molecular levels. Eventually, your scientists will detect some of these changes through their use of science and technology. Your bodies and minds are changing, which are the first changes you will notice. You will view things differently. You will likely question old ways of doing things. You will resist control being exerted over you. You will question things you accepted previously, perhaps for most of your life. Things that previously made sense no longer will.
Your tastes and cravings for foods may change. It is likely that you will be drawn to healthier, lighter, natural sources of food, such as fruits and vegetables, grains, and unprocessed foods. It is not that you will no longer enjoy less healthy foods, but they will be more difficult for your body to digest, and your cravings will extend to other more healthy options.
Your body will wish for more movement, because it will crave more strength and more efficient processing. You will be more aware of your inner power, and you will want to include your physical power in your body. Your body, from the cells to the skin covering it, will want to be healthier, and better health will be easier to attain and maintain. It is not that all of a sudden you will be stronger and develop an overnight love for exercise, but you will want to be fitter. Whether or not you do anything about it is an individual choice, as always, but you will likely feel more motivated to pursue better physical health. This is not to say that people in their 60’s and 70’s will again feel as though they were in their 20’s and 30’s, but better health and strength will be more possible if pursued.
Mental and emotional health will also be more easily attainable if pursued. Take a page out of the Archangels’ book and focus on the Big 4 – joy, hope, love, and peace. If you seek these things and pursue them, you will find and enjoy them, but it takes a concentrated intent. Make them the centerpiece of your life and decisions.
There will be spiritual changes as well. If you wish to invite Angels and high Guides into your life, they will come, and if you pay attention, they will make themselves known to you in various ways, depending on each individual’s needs and what works best for them and what works best for them and is more meaningful, recognizable, and most resonates. If you pray or meditate, set an intention to connect with these beings who know you best and love you the most. Invite your soul into your consciousness. The soul connection is the deepest and most helpful of these interdimensional connections.
You will begin to feel the connection you share with the Creator and all of creation, including each other, the Earth, and the universe. This connection begins with the Earth and her inhabitants, but eventually, it can extend beyond the Earth into other realms, dimensions, and worlds, along with their inhabitants. For now, however, focus on the connection you have with all other human beings.
The biggest category of changes will be through your energetic systems. You are all changing energetically, and these changes are the most profound, but least understood. You are all becoming more sensitive to energy, and everything is made of energy. Your responses and reactions to people, places, and things will begin to change. You may experience more or less comfort around people, places, and things, not necessarily because they have changed, but because youhave. This is especially noticeable around people.
Everyone evolves at their own pace, according to their life plans and their levels of willingness and awareness. When someone who is evolving more quickly than others and embracing these changes, they may begin to feel increasingly uncomfortable around others who are not as far along in their spiritual journey. To be clear, everyone is changing, whether they embrace or resist, whether they are aware or unaware, whether they pursue it or not. However, the rate of change differs from person to person, and the greater the difference in vibration between people, the more discomfort that will present.
For those of you who are already more spiritually and energetically advanced, these changes will be accelerated, and this is part of your life plan, because you are needed to help teach and lead others as they change. Among these are those some call star seeds and indigos, whose souls did not originate on Earth. Also included are those whose souls were already more advanced before incarnation and who incarnated during this time to be teachers, leaders, messengers, and examples for others.
The work with Shiva you are personally undergoing is to open you more fully to energetic changes that will accelerate your personal growth and allow you to teach and help others more effectively. Your energetic system is being upgraded, and that will affect everything within you and release your power regarding psychic gifts, interdimensional communication, energy processing, manifestation skills, and much more. We had an agreement with Shiva before we incarnated. Others have agreements with other high Guides. There are many who wish to help with The Shift.
It is good that you welcome and accept these changes. They will help you personally, as well as assist you in helping others. You will feel more able to overcome obstacles and chaos, and you will be more able to affix the Big 4 in your life more permanently. Spiritually, you have grown very quickly, and Shiva will help your energetic system to catch up and support this spiritual growth you continue to experience. That you welcome and embrace these changes makes them faster, easier, and more sustainable.
Final Thoughts
At some point, I’ll share with you how these nightly sessions looked and felt. Suffice it to say it’s a lot to take in. I think it’s important to share these changes with you, because we’re all changing. That’s not to say you’ll experience your changes in the same ways I do, because we’re all different, and we all have our own paths and plans, but at least you have a heads up that changes are taking place, and I think being forewarned is helpful. It reduces the stress that comes with these changes when you know what to expect and that they are going to serve you well, and it helps you recognize as things progress, so you don’t think you’re going nuts!
Some of the changes I’m going through are not entirely pleasant, at least initially, but I embrace them anyway, and I know they’ll serve me well and enable me to help others along the way. The Angels are helping me as I go through these stages. My friend describes them as a purge, and I think that’s partly accurate, because as the Angels say, it’s out with the old and in with the new, but I think of this as an expansion of who we already are and an awareness of leveling up.
Tonight is the last night with the intention of hope for everyone during Friday night meditation with the Archangels. Next week starts a new month and a new intention. I’ll be sending out a new newsletter for February a week from today. If you haven’t already signed up for it, you can do so on my website.
There’s no charge, and it includes a Tarot reading for the month, as well as a message from the Archangels, a self-care section, and lots more.
Happy, happy Friday, and I hope you have a weekend full of the Big 4, joy, hope, love, and peace. I hope you’ll welcome the upcoming changes you’ll experience and remember that they are for your greatest good and will see you through any turbulence along the way.
Blessings, all.