The Archangels Offer Commentary and Guidance
Last night, I refused to watch the ongoing updates on the election for the sake of my peace of mind. I remained hopeful that Harris would win, but I reminded myself that if she didn’t, all would not be lost, that one person could not save or destroy my world.
I woke up around 6:30 this morning, and honestly, I was afraid to see the results, but when I did, after saying several bad words and “embracing the suck,” as my daughter-in-law says, I again reminded myself that I’d be okay. Do I have concerns? Sure, I do, but I’m not going to give into fear. Instead, I choose to remain hopeful. I can feel the heaviness in the collective energy, and I decided to channel the Archangels and ask for some guidance in how best to navigate the post-election energy and concerns. Their answer follows.
Question: A lot of people are going to be scared and worried, because Trump won the election. What advice and comfort can you offer?
We will not give you platitudes and say everything will be okay. We would not do that if the other candidate had won, either. Has there truly ever been a time when everything was fine and all aspects of life ran smoothly? Perhaps there have been snippets of time when you had no or few worries, but life is always challenging, is it not?
What we will remind you of is that, although you cannot always control what happens in your life, you can learn to control your actions and reactions to whatever is happening that affects you. You always have a choice to interact with the chaos surrounding you or refuse to become a part of it. You may not be able to prevent bad things from happening, but you can choose to rise above them. By that, we mean whether or not you can prevent something, you can choose to stand firm in your beliefs that it is right or wrong, and you can choose whether or not to participate or condone what happens.
Also, you can still and always choose hope over fear, love over hate, and kindness over cruelty and persecution. No one can control your thoughts, unless you allow it. Sometimes, actions can be controlled, but thoughts and convictions, no. Do not concern yourselves with what others do, unless there is something you can do to help the situation or the people involved. Avoid judgment, angry interactions, blaming others, and altercations. Instead, if you see someone suffering, and you are in a position to help them in some way, even if it is only to offer words of compassion and support, expend your energy and efforts in this way, rather than indulging in combative stances.
As far as your own fears and worries go, take time for yourself and remind yourself that you are strong, smart, and capable of dealing with adversity. If you were not, you would not still be here, for life is full of adversity, is it not? Remember to bring joy into your life regularly. Self-care has never been as important as it is right now.
Do not lose hope in humanity. Many of you are distraught about the election results, but we will tell you that most people, including those who oppose your political views and choices, are inherently compassionate. With very few exceptions, most people who see someone suffering will help them if it is within their power to do so. Think about this in a literal sense, rather than from a political angle. If someone fell down and injured themselves, or was injured by someone or something else, who among you would not try to help them or call for help? Nearly everyone would, regardless of who they voted for. Consider when a natural disaster hits an area, and people from far away try to help in some way. This is true human nature.
Whether your chosen candidate won or lost in the elections, you are still powerful. We will once again remind you that unity among the masses is the key to making a better world, not governments or politicians. It is time to bridge some of the gaps that exist. Do not assume you have nothing in common with those who voted differently from you. You all have much in common, even if this has not been apparent in the past.
Some people can be short-sighted and easily manipulated. The way to combat these weaknesses does not lie in anger and hatred. Why would anyone listen to someone who relies on vitriol, blame, and condescension, who makes accusations and spews insults, to get their point across and make them reconsider their own? Would you listen to such a person? If you do not understand someone, whether or not you agree with them, the shortcoming is yours, not theirs. If you refuse to try to understand someone, you do not grow in understanding. Instead of focusing on whatever you disagree on, try instead to find common ground.
We will tell you that there are still many people who are controlled by fear, which is why we encourage you so strongly to replace fear with hope. Yes, many people are misinformed, and many have been mislead, but that all goes back to fear. Ignorance and propaganda have worsened the effects on fear driven lives, but you will never overcome these things with anger and more fear. You will never erase them without compassion and acceptance of the people who are driven and guided by these things. You must meet them where they are, acknowledge their fears and concerns, whether you believe they are justified or not. They are real to those who carry and hold them, whether they ring true to you, or not.
Do not concern yourselves with the things outside your area of control. You cannot control others or their actions, but you can control your own thoughts and actions. Regardless of how strong people in control of forging laws and policies are, the strength of the masses is much stronger when they join together. Focus on that power of unity. Policy can be overturned, prevented, and shaped when the masses join together for change. Remember this. In the end, it matters far less who is running the government than it does whether or not the masses unite.
Regardless of the changes in government, you have every reason to remain hopeful, because in the end, the world is run by the masses, when they choose to unite, rather than a handful of people in positions of power. We have long said that the world will not be saved by governments and politicians, it will be changed, its problems solved, by the people. We stand by this statement. We trust humanity to prove it is true.
Do not give into fear and hopelessness. Focus on your own peace of mind and the knowledge that change is coming and, in the end, it will be positive change, even if things are chaotic and challenging for a time. Make your own joy and peace, so you will always have a haven to which you can retreat, knowing you are not alone, knowing you are never powerless. It is not the responsibility of the government to make sure its people are happy, it is your responsibility and within your power to ensure your own happiness and peace of mind.
Choose hope over fear, love over hatred, joy and gratitude over sadness, and compassion over anger. We are always with you. We will never leave you. Embrace the Love and the Light we are sending you.
Final Thoughts
What’s done is done. We can cry and complain about it, or we can fortify ourselves and choose to make the best of things and do whatever we can to make sure we go forward with hope and compassion. The election did not turn out as I’d hoped, but I did my part. I can either fall down the rabbit hole of worry and fear, wondering if all the threats that were made will become a reality, or I can stand tall and hope for the best. I choose to hope.
Threats and predictions are not truth or fact unless they come to pass, and they haven’t yet. Hopefully, they won’t, but if they do, I’ll deal with them one way or another, as I always do. You do, too. We’ve never been entirely in control of the world around us, and there have always been things that happen that we wish hadn’t, yet we’re still here. Right now, I’m going to continue to make a conscious effort to bring joy into my life, hold onto my peace of mind, and do the best I can in whatever situation in which I find myself.
I refuse to be bitter against those who voted for the winning candidate or toward those who chose not to vote at all. No one can or should make those choices for someone else. No one made them for me, and I can’t make them for anyone else. I want to be respected for my choices, so I’ll respect others for theirs, whether I agree with them, or not.
I can find gladness that it’s over for now. I hope that we can start to come together and bridge some of the gaps. I know the country’s soon to be leader is not conducive to this, but that doesn’t mean we can’t try on a personal level to understand and find compassion for each other. If enough of us do that, we can make a positive difference.
Blessings, all.