The Archangels Give Us Some Advice

Perhaps you read last Friday’s article about what the Archangels call “The Big 4,” that is, joy, hope, love, and peace, and how important it is to make sure that they are at the center of our life. I’m sure, like me, you know it’s not as simple as making a declaration or even basing present and future plans around these things. Everyone wants joy, hope, love, and peace in their life, so it’s not a process of deciding they’re good for you and you want them. The challenge isn’t in wanting them or even getting them. The challenge is in maintaining them, especially when there are numerous things surrounding us that challenge them.
The week has been rife with challenges for many of us. Between the inauguration (honestly, I’m tired of hearing about Melania’s hat), the numerous presidential declarations (although I had to laugh about the Gulf of Mexico’s name change; no entitlement or vanity there, right?), and the various announced plans for the future, it’s been harder to focus on prioritizing the Big 4, but it occurred to me that times like these are reminders of the importance of these priorities. I asked the Angels to advise us on how to maintain them, and their response follows.
Question: I’d like to write about maintaining the Big 4 while facing the political and world turmoil around us. Please help.
We have spoken about the Big 4 – joy, hope, love, and peace – and how important it is to focus on and to build your life around them, and it is no exaggeration to say this will be increasingly crucial, as well as increasingly difficult, to do this over the next few years for many of you. We wish to say that it is not only doing more things that will help you, but at times, it is doing less of some things, fewer things, making changes, and sometimes, stopping certain things completely that are needed. We will explain.
Moving forward in today’s politically heated and often violent world, it is essential to find and maintain balance in all things, especially when considering which things you are able to control and which things are not within your control. We understand the need to be aware of what is happening in the world, and we agree that this is important, but as our channel often says, do you really need all the “gory details?” It is our position that you do not.
The only people who may benefit from knowing the details of human suffering, for instance, are those who do not see the humanity in all people. When you do, you automatically feel sorrow for those who suffer. Some people need a “wake up call.” For those who do not see refugees in need of a safe haven as their problem and cannot make a connection with them as fellow human beings, sometimes a jolt of reality can help them remember their humanity.
If these seemingly heartless people could witness the treatment of innocent people in places like Haiti, Africa, and South America, if they knew victims of rape, torture, and murder, or if they met mothers whose children were taken or killed outright, whose boys were forced to kill and whose daughters were forced into the sex trade as young, innocent children, perhaps they could begin to see that problems such as these are everyone’s responsibility to solve.
However, for those who already see themselves in these victims’ faces, who feel gratitude that they and their children are relatively safe in comparison, who help in whatever way they can, there is no need to fill themselves with anxiety and tragedy by reading, watching, or listening to more of the terrible details.
Find a way to help that makes you feel good about doing something for these people. Spread the word that there are problems that must be solved and people who must be saved and helped, and research ways in which relief is possible. There is no need to keep track of how many atrocities take place and how many people are lost. Focus on those you can help, not those who are beyond help. As more people suffer and are sacrificed, raise a voice, not a fist.
If a particular topic or situation upsets you, finding a way to counteract it is fitting, however, obsessing about it and drowning yourself in more information when it is beyond your control is a fruitless pursuit that only threatens the joy, hope, love, and peace in your life. Do you see this? Do not focus on what has been done, but rather on what can be done to help.
If watching or reading or listening to the news upsets you, why do you do it? Again, we know many of your wish to remain aware, and that is fine, but to steep yourself in upsetting reports that all say similar things about a particular topic is obsessive and unproductive. The only thing this accomplishes is to upset the balance you so need to maintain in your life.
So, keep track of things, but there is no need to search out the “gory details.” Be aware without obsessing about what could, might, or possibly will happen as a result of others’ actions, especially if those actions are not within your control. The news is full of speculations and predictions that, for the most part, never come to pass, so why sacrifice the Big 4 for such things? It is better to spend more time and effort in search of the Big 4 in order to maintain a healthy balance of them in your life than to fill your time with more “gory details,” is it not? If there is something constructive you can do to help others, then do so, but do not forget to help yourself and maintain your life’s balance first.
More things are likely to happen in the near future that have the potential to upset you, and most of them will be beyond your control. When you feel your stress level rising and you begin to feel overwhelmed, upset, anxious, and especially fearful and angry, pause for some deep breaths and remind yourself to compensate and eradicate such things by refocusing on the Big 4 and rebuilding your reserves, so that you can maintain your health and well-being, your balance.
It is initially difficult to do this, but it gets easier with practice. Do not wait until you are beside yourself with worry and angst. Get in the habit of avoiding sources of upset and overriding them with whatever things bring the Big 4 into finer focus. Do not forget gratitude for everything you have and to send loving energy to those who have less than you do.
Join us tonight for Friday meditation if you wish, or call on us at any time to join our energy with yours to help yourself and others move forward during these chaotic times. We will hear you, and we will come to you.
Final Thoughts
I’ve had to remind myself several times that the news is not good for maintaining a healthy balance for me. I’m not interested in finding out about what might happen and the fallout from it, when it hasn’t happened yet, and it may never happen. When I read about Trump’s edict about rescinding citizenship to those born here who had parents who were not American citizens, I caught my breath, and my finger hovered over the headline, but I decided I didn’t need any more details. First, I can’t persuade him to do otherwise. Second, it hasn’t happened yet, and third, shortly after he put in the order, it was put on hold, so it may never actually happen. What’s the point of getting more details about it at this point? I certainly don’t want to hear him talk more about it.
I’ve been doing that all week. I’ll read headlines, shake my head, offer a prayer, and move on to the next potentially distressing item. Rarely do I read further. I don’t want to hear what the politicians are saying. I don’t want to listen to the MAGA people. I don’t want to read about all the doom and gloom I have to look forward to, especially when most of it won’t come to pass. In short, I’m guarding my life’s balance and protecting the Big 4, refusing to fall prey to things that are said specifically to upset me.
I prefer to count my blessings, send loving energy to those who are struggling, join the Archangels in Meditation, and maintain the joy, hope, love, and peace I’ve worked so hard for in my life. I’ll help when, where, who, and how I can, and I’ll do my best to leave a positive footprint. I’ll continue to reach for compassion for those who are suffering, and also for those who believe others’ problems have nothing to do with them. I’ll continue to look for my face in the faces of those less fortunate than I am, and I’ll avoid the traps set by so many others in hopes of confusing or upsetting me. In short, I’m going to continue to do the best I can and hope for better times.
The intention for tonight’s meditation is hope for everyone, ourselves and others. Many people have lost hope. When hope is absent, fear takes over, and there’s enough fear already. So, if you’re available and interested, from wherever you are at whatever time you’re available, call on the Archangels and join your energy with theirs as you invite more hope into the world. We can all use it.
Happy Friday. I hope you have a hopeful and joyful weekend, full of love and peace.
Blessings, all.