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Lord Ganesh on Kundalini Energy

Not a Step-by-Step Process as Much as an Energetic Mix

Last week, I wrote about the experience I had regarding the awakening of Kundalini energy after I’d been working with the high Guide, also known as the Hindu god, Lord Ganesh or Ganesha. It was a great experience, and I feel stronger and more energized than I’ve felt in years. One of my readers wanted to know how we could work with our Kundalini energy to raise our consciousness more quickly, so I channeled Ganesh again, and I have an answer for everyone. It’s not what I’d anticipated, but it makes sense. Following is the answer I received.

Jodie: Ganesh, my friend, I miss meeting with you nightly, and I hope you are aware of all the wonderful things people have said about you after reading my Kundalini article. I didn’t realize you had so many fans outside the Hindu community! I have a question for you via one of those fans. How can we work with our Kundalini energy to raise our consciousness more quickly?

Lord Ganesh:

I miss our meetings, also, but I keep track of you, and I am never far away. I am humbled by the love and reverence others give me, returning it, and I have long been a supporter of mankind.

Let us speak of this Kundalini energy. First of all, everyone has it already, as it comes with all incarnations, as part of the Creator energy. The key to awakening it is to strengthen the universal connection you share with all of creation through the One who created everything, and the best way to do that is to open your heart center to the universal Love that surrounds you and is within you.

There are many ways to go about this, such as meditation or simply sitting quietly and focusing on the life connection we all share. We all come from the same source. Tuning into that loving frequency will begin to stir the Kundalini energy, as it is your connection to the source of all life.

The wonderful thing is, this source of all elemental Love wants to connect with all of you. It is all tied together, the consciousness of the individual, which feeds into the collective consciousness, which feeds into the Source, which distributes more Love to all.

Kundalini energy is the product that these things join together to produce. It has remained mostly dormant on the 3D Earth, as that dimension’s energies do not react well with it or support it, but as the Earth and her people begin to adjust to 5D energies, it stirs and begins to awaken.

So, it is not a question of the Kundalini energy enabling ascension. It is a combination of Kundalini energy being awakened by the individual’s consciousness as it embraces 5D energies, which in turn feeds the collective energy, which in turn feeds the Kundalini energy, which supports the consciousness, both individual and collective. It is more cyclical than linear.

All are connected, and all support each other. There is no direction in which to move but to become stronger and more connected to each other, to the universe, and to Source, if you choose to open up to this and accept the energetic invitation that calls to you. What you do for any one of these aspects helps all of the parts to become one, huge, powerful whole, energized and driven by Kundalini energy.

Hence, all of these energies rise together. As you work on finding and maintaining your joy and peace, this feeds your consciousness, which feeds and strengthens the collective consciousness. This, in turn, activates things like compassion, empathy, and the desire to help others, which strengthens the universal connection you are beginning to feel that we all share through Source, which awakens Kundalini energy within you, which strengthens you and enables you to become more actively involved in the world. It and we are all connected.

We thrive or suffer together. Once people realize this, there will be more thriving and less suffering. By caring for and helping each other, we help ourselves. As I work to strengthen humanity, I in turn become stronger. It is the same for all of you. This is the key, the mindset, the paradigm of the fifth dimension. When you are able to embrace this “we are one” mentality, your power becomes unlimited, and you are continually nourished, because you benefit from each other’s gains as much as your own.

It may sound very complicated and philosophical, but it is actually quite simple. When you see everyone as parts of the whole, and you realize that if one link or piece is compromised it affects all of us, when everyone joins in with maintaining and overseeing the bigger picture rather than the just the small piece they represent, and the entirety prospers, as everyone watches over everyone else, helping when and where and how it is necessary. As you embrace these concepts, your consciousness, along with your Kundalini energy and personal power rise to the forefront, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.

So, it is not a step by step process as much as a group process that strengthens you as individuals, as a group, as a body of energy with various parts making a whole. You cannot accomplish these things by remaining isolated, by secluding yourself, or if you do not concern yourself with the wellbeing of others in addition to your own wellbeing. This may begin with an individual effort, but unless it becomes a group effort, it will stall, and so will each of you. There must be an awareness of and dedication to the whole, which means you must see and care about each other.

The more unity that rises, the more rise in Kundalini energy, which strengthens and empowers you as you move forward individually and as a group. When Kundalini energy rises to such a degree, you become nearly invincible and extremely powerful, as you work for each other as much as for yourself.

What I was able to do for this friend, this channel, was because she had already embraced the idea of universal connection, especially as it pertained to all people on Earth. She has been building upon this awareness, this love and acceptance for some time, so her Kundalini energy was already awake and ready to activate. I simply smoothed that activation.

I can do the same for anyone who, as the Angels say, has reached the point where they can see others’ faces in their own face and their own face in the faces of others, who have a desire for unity and acceptance for all people, regardless of differences. Consider, if you will, that when I came to her, she honestly said it felt strange to work with someone depicted as having the head of an elephant! It was strange for her, but not off putting. She viewed it as an opportunity in terms of understanding and acceptance, rather than as something to avoid or reject. She maintained an open mind and an open heart, embracing our differences and wanted to learn from me, grateful for any help I would offer.

Is it really so hard, then, to accept people with different skin colors, religions, beliefs, practices, cultures, languages, sexualities, etc.? You are all people with “people heads,” rather than animal heads, are you not? You are not so different, are you? It should not be as difficult as it is for you to accept each other. Remember, it is not as much about raising consciousness more quickly as it is about raising it more fully.

I send you greetings of love. Please feel free to reach out to me for help. All I need from you is an open mind and heart and a willingness to grow. If you have these things, I will happily work with you to strengthen and eventually activate your Kundalini energy. I await your call.

Final Thoughts

I just love this guy! People heads, indeed! You don’t have to completely understand someone to accept them, although it can be challenging at times. I’ve learned that the lack of understanding isn’t the problem of those who are not understood, it’s the problem of the one who doesn’t understand, but wanting to understand is almost as important as actual understanding. Sometimes, it’s enough to accept that you may never fully understand what drives someone, but that’s okay, as long as you respect and accept them for who they are.

We need to get past the idea that what is right for us personally is also right for everyone else. We’re too different for a one size fits all mindset where anything is concerned. There’s strength in diversity, as we can all learn from each other. That doesn’t mean we have to change the way we do things, unless we want to do so, but we shouldn’t expect anyone else to change the way they do things, either. Sometimes, what’s good for one, doesn’t work for another, and that’s not only to be expected, it’s perfectly okay to do things differently. Different doesn’t mean wrong.

Ganesh and so many others are reading and waiting on us to make this leap. We don’t have to figure out every problem and solution we need to fix right now, but we do need to look at each other as equally important and valuable. We need to care about each other and the problems we all face. We need to help where we can, and we need to embrace each other’s differences, whether we completely understand them, or not. Understanding takes time, but acceptance should be an automatic thing, knowing that, with all of our differences, we’re all equally worthy and important.

Blessings, all.



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