Earth is Our Temporary Home
I’m retired now, and that’s made my life easier in a lot of ways. I can get up whenever I want to and stay up as late as I like, I don’t punch a clock anymore, I don’t really answer to any person on this Earth, I make my own schedule, and for the most part, I do what I want, when I want, rather than meeting inescapable expectations and obligations to other things and people, like I did when I worked. I think I was made for retirement!
I’m still pretty busy, but I’m doing what I want to do, rather than what I haveto do. I channel most days, I write on Medium, I have a small business, I run a website, I’m a co-founder of the Angelic Activation Practitioner program, I’m one of several caregivers for my mother-in-law, and then there’s all the rest of the everyday stuff everyone contends with like errands, house upkeep, laundry … well you know.
You’d think I’d be stuck in a perpetual cycle of happiness, right? Yet, I have to work at being joyful. I meditate, I write, I read, I help others when I can, I spend time with my children and grandchildren when possible, I stay productive, and I make time for myself, checking in daily to make sure I stay in good spirits. I spend a lot of therapeutic time with the Angels and other high Guides.
It’s not that my life is so hard that challenges me. I have a good life. Money’s tight, but I’m making it. I’m in good health. I have everything I need and can get a few extras that I want. Still, I have to make a concerted effort to stay in the black in terms of staying positive. Why is that?
I’ve given it a lot of thought, and I think the longer I live, the more out of place I feel. When I see people suffering, and let’s face it, there’s no shortage of suffering people, it hurts me. When I see the hatred and hear the vitriol that’s so prevalent, I don’t recognize this as my home anymore. I can’t for the life of me understand how people can be so cruel and uncaring toward other people. I don’t understand how people can hate so vehemently. I cannot stand to see the persecution of others, especially children, and these things happen daily.
I asked the Archangels how we can deal with these things and still enjoy our lives when we’re surrounded by them. Their answer follows.
Question: I long for more humanitarian times and the recognition of all people as deserving of dignity and care. I know we’re headed in a better direction, but how can we cope with so much hatred in the world in the meantime?
The more awakened you become, the more sensitive you become to the plight of others. It is necessary and will help others make progress on the same path, but it is difficult to become more and more aware of others’ suffering. It is not that you do not belong, it is that the suffering, war, persecution, hatred, fear, and anger no longer belong. Those things belonged in the 3D Earth, but they do not belong in the 5D Earth, and as difficult as it seems at times to believe, they are on their way out. There will come a time when these things will be oddities, rather than commonplace.
There is a transition in progress, and there are battles being waged everywhere on Earth by those who currently enjoy power in the world today. They will lose these battles and their power eventually, but in the meantime, they will do anything to hold onto their positions and their status. These battles happen on a global level all the way down to the individual level.
Global leaders wage wars in order to retain power. These are easy to see. Less obvious are parents who struggle to imprint their own beliefs on their children when they do not make sense to them, spouses who struggle to understand their partner’s changes in attitude and practices, friends who do not recognize people they have known for years, and employers who cannot understand why their workers refuse to do what they are told.
Everyone is changing, but while some accept this, others fight it, especially if they are either comfortable with the way things are, or if they are frightened of change to the point of rejecting it. Everyone feels different, and everyone will face major changes during this lifetime, not only externally, all around them, but internally, as well. Even if they persist in rejecting these changes, they will still be there. They may refrain from adjusting to these changes and hold tightly to their old ways, thoughts, and beliefs, but the internal discomfort they feel because of this will increase, until they know no peace.
Everyone living at this time volunteered to be here in order to help with The Shift. While everyone is changing, everyone is also on their own timetable. Not only that, but some souls agreed to play roles that are unpleasant but needed. As they cause more chaos and outrage, they provoke more unity. It is all part of a higher plan.
In addition to The Shift and all of its effects, we will add that the longer you live on Earth, the more your soul yearns for the soul realms, where your permanent home lies. The Earth is a temporary home for all of you. You all chose to come here, so you could learn and evolve, and Earth is the perfect atmosphere to do this, but it is not easy, and it is not home. The longer you live here, the less comfortable life on Earth becomes, and it has less to do with your situation or circumstances than it does with your soul feeling more and more homesick.
This is natural and unavoidable for most. On a soul level, you miss the freedom, the Love, and the Light in the soul realms. There is no hatred there. There is no fear or persecution. There isn not even any anger. So, emotionally speaking, everyone is healthy and happy. When in the soul realms, universal knowledge in intact, therefore, souls understand the way of things, and they know what needs to be done in order to evolve, and they work towards that goal at their own pace, so mentally, souls are healthy and happy.
Souls do not have bodies, so there is no disease or illness, so they are physically healthy and happy.
Spiritually speaking, there is unconditional love and acceptance among all, and all share a common goal of learning what they need to know in order to have full communion with the Creator. They apply themselves to this goal, as they help others and plan for future lifetimes in order to reach this goal.
Although most of you do not have detailed memories of the soul realms, there is a part of you that remembers what it is like there, and that part yearns to return there. So, the older you get, the more you wish to return, again, on a soul level. This is why usually, the older you get, the more out of place you feel, and the less you feel as though you belong in the world. This is normal, but at times difficult.
When you feel this way, remind yourself that you are here to evolve and learn, and make the most of your time on Earth. The more you learn, the closer to the Creator you will become and the less time is left that you have to remain or return to Earth for more learning and evolution. Also, your presence is necessary for others to learn and grow, so you are not there just for yourself, but for others, as well. You are part of a much bigger plan.
Finally, you are needed to assist with The Shift, and this is why you are here right now. Whatever you experience will add to your evolution and growth, and you will be grateful for this when you return to your real home, even if you cannot appreciate the experiences during your human life. It is wise to make the most of your time on Earth, knowing a better place awaits you, where you will know you belong.
We send you all Light and Love.
Final Thoughts
I can so relate to this message. There are many times when I don’t feel like I belong here, and it has nothing to do with how I’m treated. It has nothing to do with challenges or hardships. The older I get, I just know there’s a better, happier place for me, and I miss it and look forward to returning there. I don’t remember what it’s like there, I just know it’s loving and peaceful, and I look forward to going back someday.
In the meantime, I’m just going to do the best I can while I’m here. I’ll keep trying to make a positive difference, I’ll keep looking for ways to grow and help others, and I’ll continue to seek new knowledge and experiences. While I’m here, I’d like to learn as much as possible, so there’s that much less left to do in any future lifetimes I live. I’ll try to remember that whatever happens serves a higher purpose, which most times I won’t understand or recognize. And I’ll try to remember that we’re all just doing the best we can, in a world where we don’t truly belong. This is only a stopping place, where we learn and grow, hopefully, but a better place by far awaits us.
Blessings, all.