And Joy to All of Us!
Happy Friday, everybody! If you haven’t received my monthly newsletter yet, the Archangels have set the intention for Friday night meditations as Joy. “Tis the season to think of joy, isn’t it? Yet some of us haven’t done that lately, and I guess the Angels think it’s about time to kick it in. They specifically stated that the intention for December meditations is joy, not for others but for ourselves, and they want us to focus on that theme.
Do you have enough joy in your life? If not, what are you waiting for? I hope you’re not waiting for someone else to bring it to you, because there’s no guarantee that will happen. What is a guarantee is that the joy we all seek and need is within us, and all we have to do is reach for it. Believe it’s there! If you need some reminders of what joy feels like, do something that reminds you of it, then when you catch yourself smiling, reach inside and strengthen it.
I asked the Angels to point us in the right direction for finding our joy, and their response follows.
Question: You say we all have joy within us already, yet some of us have a hard time finding it. How can we best go about this?
Nobody teaches a baby how to smile. Parents do not teach their children how to laugh. It is innate. It is a part of you that you are born with, and although you might misplace it or forget how it feels from time to time, you cannot banish it, and it never deserts you. It is part of your power.
We know there is much in life that challenges your joy. We know circumstances and hardships can dampen your spirits and make you forget the joy with which you entered the world, but it is still there. Your soul chose to be here at this time for many reasons, and you were equipped with gifts and a spiritual team before you incarnated. They are and will always be with you, at your disposal to use to combat the obstacles you face throughout your life.
You have a saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it.” If you have forgotten what joy feels like, pretend you have it, until it is rekindled. Smile. Laugh. Recall memories of happier times. Review those memories, so you can remember what it feels like to be joyful, and know that, despite hard times, joy lives on in you. Go to the simple things. Children, nature, animals, flowers, trees. They all reflect the joy within you.
Choose gratitude as a reminder of all you have and how far you have come. Revisit the memories throughout your journey on this planet that showed you the wonder of life. Your life is amazing. You are amazing. This is true of all of you. You can always find things that make you unhappy. They abound. However, we tell you that joy is not dependent on what is happening around you. Take notice, by all means, but go below the surface of the chaos around you, go within your heart, and you will still find joy. You simply have to choose it. Reach for it. Hold onto it. Examine it, and put it to use.
When you find it, try to share it with others through a kind word, a simple touch, a gentle smile. You will be amazed at the power of these things for you and for others. They are not costly nor difficult to give, but the effects on you and those around you are indeed powerful.
Finding joy in the holidays is conditional for many people. If you can find it or are triggered to enjoy it, this is wonderful, but know that you need not wait for celebrations, holidays, or any outside source to find joy. It is always with you, every day, every hour, and every minute, if you welcome it into your consciousness.
Burdens are sometimes very heavy, but joy can lighten them. When life gets overwhelming, say to yourself, “I want more joy in my life,” and we will help you find it. Joy is a choice, just as sadness, anger, hope, fear, love, and determination are choices. You are entitled to all of these at times in your life. Each serves a purpose, and believe it or not, each is helpful in its own way, but you get to choose where to spend the most time. Choose to spend most of your time in joy. It will make the harder emotions easier to deal with when they come, and you will be able to process and release them faster and more easily if you are in the habit of reaching for joy.
You are not a victim of life, you are a participant. You are a creator in your own right, and the greatest thing you create is the life you live. If it is not to your liking, and if it does not bring you or sustain your joy, make some changes, beginning with your priorities. Material wealth is fleeting at best, but joy is sustainable and lasting. Without it, all the money in the world will not soothe or satisfy you. There is a great quest for control over others at this time, but we tell you truthfully, controlling others is not a path toward joy. Controlling yourself and choosing your own path is what brings joy to a person.
Find and surround yourself with joyful people, and their happiness will trigger your own. Also, spend time alone practicing being joyful. Do whatever is needed to bring more joy into focus. Look around you. You will see people, sometimes in dire straits, who still choose joy. It is not difficult to find people who are ill, poor, troubled, or who have all manner of problems they are dealing with, but who still practice and choose joy. You can, too.
We are in awe of humanity for many reasons, and one of these reasons is the fact that you always rebound from troubles. You find a way over, under, around, or through them. You are resilient, clever, persistent, determined, powerful, gifted, and so many more wonderful things. Remember these things about yourselves.
If you are struggling to find your joy, please consider joining us tonight and every Friday night during December for meditation, wherever you are, at whatever time you are available, and we will meet you if you call on us. We will help you find joy. We will send reminders of joy to you. We will provide opportunities to experience joy. We will stay with you until and after you remember what it is to be joyful.
We often ask you to set an intention that helps others, but for the month of December, it is all about you as individuals. Do you know why? Aside from the fact that we dearly love you, we know that when someone feels joy, their energy triggers joy in others around them. Let us start an avalanche of joy, activate a network of joy that pulls others in and holds them in the love and the warmth joy can provide.
We send you all joyful energies of Love and Light.
Final Thoughts
I’ve gotten to know many of the Archangels, and their energies and personalities differ from one to the other. I love them all and feel very close to many of them, but if I had to choose one Angel who stands out when it comes to joyous energy, it would be Ariel. She is the greatest, most enthusiastic cheerleader I’ve ever known, and she is great at bringing out the joy in others. If you struggle with finding joy, I suggest you call on her specifically. She loves nothing more than to shower her joy on others and to bring out the joy in everyone she encounters. If you call on her, she’ll hear you, and she’ll help you.
I hope you have an extremely joyous weekend.
Blessings, all.