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It's Okay to be a Grumpy Monkey

The Archangles Tell Us to Own Our Emotions

I spent the last three weeks in Dallas taking care of my grandson, and I spent part of nearly every day reading to him.  As a retired teacher and reading specialist, I know the importance of reading to our children, and I’ve passed that down to my children, who are passing it down to their children.  I’ve been reading to my grandson, Jorgie, since he was in his mother’s womb, and he has a ton of books.  He’s not talking much yet at eighteen months old, but when it’s story time, I hold up one book after the other, until he goes from responding “Nah, nah, nah” and shaking his head to nodding his head yes, to let me know what he wants me to read to him.


His favorite book is the Grumpy Monkey, by Suzanne and Max Lang.  It’s about a monkey named Jim Panzee, who wakes up in a bad mood, which his friend picks up on right away and spreads the word.  Each time one of his friends asks him why he’s grumpy and explains how they can tell that he is, he responds with something like, “Grumpy?  Who, me?  I’m not grumpy!”  In the end, he figures out that he is indeed grumpy, it’s okay to be grumpy sometimes, even if he’s not sure why, and he begins to feel better.


I hope my grandson takes the message to heart, as we all should.  Nobody likes to feel grumpy, yet everyone feels grumpy from time to time, some of us more than others.  Sometimes, we know exactly why we feel grumpy, right?  Other times, it’s harder to put our fingers on the source of our grumpiness. 


When I feel that way and don’t know why, it’s often the collective energy that’s affecting me, but other times, it remains a mystery.  It’s those times I sometimes need a reminder that it’s okay to feel that way, actually to feel whatever way we feel.  I usually fight it, when what I should be doing is acknowledging it, allowing it to move through me, and then and only then, replacing it with something more pleasant. 


There’s a fine line between allowing ourselves to feel whatever it is we’re feeling and working on it, so we don’t get stuck there.  I asked the Archangels to guide us on how to navigate those low vibrational emotions and moving on from them, and their reply follows.


Question:  Everyone has bad days from time to time, but sometimes we have bad days without knowing the cause.  Nobody wants to feel down, blue, depressed, overwhelmed, grouchy, etc., but we all do at some point.  How can we best get through times like these, especially when we can’t figure out why we’re feeling that way?




Emotions are a huge part of the human experience, and they require some kind of acknowledgement as well as management.  There are effective and ineffective ways to do this, as everyone knows.  It is important to know that emotions, although they can and should be managed, should always be acknowledged and felt, whether they are high or low vibrational in nature.  Picture emotions as being on an intensity scale.  When you do this, consider that there are really only half the emotions most people consider, because every emotion has a vibrational range.


There are not really good and bad emotions; rather, there are vibrational ranges, high, low, and everything in between, for all emotions.  For example, let us consider emotional love.  Hate is not really an emotion.  Rather, it is really a low amount or an absence of love.  Picture a horizontal line with a range between zero and one hundred, labeled Love.  Now think of a person you know and how you feel about them.  If this person is someone who inspires love, an arrow on this line would be located closer to the one hundred mark.  However, if this person inspires discomfort or anger, the arrow on the love scale would read closer to the zero mark.  It is not that you hate this person; rather, it is that you feel no or little love for this person.


This distinction may sound like a play on words, but it is the truth and it is important, because it is not your nature to hate.  Humans are very reactive to energy in many forms, including the energy attached to people.  When it comes to people, you may hate what they do or what they represent, but you do not truly hate them, because whether you realize it or not, it is not natural for you to hate anyone, since you all come from the same creational source and are connected.  You may not want to be anywhere near them, and some of you may even wish for bad things to happen to certain people, but hate is not an emotional reaction that comes naturally to you.


Happiness and sadness represent another spectrum.  Sadness is actually an absence or lack of happiness, which is an important distinction, because to counterbalance sadness, you do not have to get rid of the sadness, you must instead increase your happiness.  This is why you can feel better, even if a situation remains intact that initially lessened your happiness.  You can overcome it by bringing in more happiness, which is why we are constantly telling all of you that self-care includes bringing more joy into your life, however that looks for you.  We know and you know that many problems remain for a long time, but that does not mean you must remain sad throughout their duration.  You may raise that arrow on your scale of happiness in the meantime.


As tempting as it is to avoid emotions and even to bury them, they must be dealt with at some point.  Emotions are made of energy, and events, which also contain energy, trigger emotions, and until they are felt and dealt with, that energy remains within you.  You may move it around, raise the frequency, or move it elsewhere, but it will not disappear by itself.  Emotions must be felt in order to be changed or moved.  You cannot change it or move it or heal from it until you acknowledge and feel it.  Until you work with it, it remains unchanged. 


Emotions should never lead to shame or guilt.  They are energy.  Do not feel badly about how you feel.  If your emotions lead to bad feelings, so be it.  As long as you address them, those bad feelings will pass.  You will either raise the vibration or release them.  There are energy healers who can help you do this, but you can also do this on your own, and you can ask for our help.  After you feel and acknowledge the emotions, we will help you change or remove them.  Simply ask us to help you, and we will do so.


You can also do it by yourself.  Sit quietly and if you are aware of the event or trigger, visualize it.  Think of the energy attached to it as something that stands out in your energetic system, and picture it leaving your system.  You may wish to direct it to the Earth for Her to recycle it for you and redistribute or return it from whence it came.  The power of visualization is far more powerful than most people know.


If you do not know why you are feeling a certain way, especially if it is not a pleasant feeling, it is likely due to outside energy.  Again, acknowledge that the feeling, whether you can name it or not, does not feel good, and allow yourself to feel that unpleasantness.  Then, either visually paint it another, brighter color, or simply show it the exit from your mind and body when you are ready.  Make an effort to do something that brings you joy, so you can replace the low vibrational energy with higher vibrational energy.


Although you can learn to direct energy and manipulate it in various ways, that is not the same as controlling it.  Even if you focused on controlling energy during every waking hour, energy seeps into you, as you are constantly surrounding and inundated with it in many ways and forms.  Everything and everyone contain energy.  Your energy overlaps other energy constantly, and energy from various sources touches you all the time.  Do not focus on the energy around you.  Instead, focus on yourself and how you feel.  If you need to adjust your energy, the sooner you do so, the better you will feel, but you cannot block all energy from reaching you.


Right now, the Earth is being bombarded with energy, and most of it, especially that which comes from beyond Earth is very helpful and high vibrational, so you should open to it and not try to block it.  There is healing energy and energy that eases the way through The Shift, making it easier to process change and helping you to adjust and evolve. Because there is so much energy swirling around you, we remind you again to take some time to check in with yourself at least daily and make any adjustments you need in order to manage it.  Even high vibrational energy can feel draining at times.


Allow yourself to feel whatever it is you feel.  Do not try to block it, for if you are aware of it already, it is too late to block it.  Give yourself permission to open to it, acknowledge it, and experience it, even if you don’t like how it feels.  Then move or change it as needed and possibly replace it with something that feels better.  When you remove old energy that does not serve you, you make room for new energy that serves you better.


We send you energies of Love and Light.  Feel free to ask us for more or for help replacing unpleasant, unserving energies with it at any time, and we will provide it and assist you in managing it.


Final Thoughts


There are many methods for moving energy.  A friend of mine visualizes unwanted energy going down the drain every time she takes a shower.  Another friend assigns colors to certain emotions and visualizes a change or moving of colored energy in her system, a changing of colors, if you will.  I’ve shared before that I sometimes call on Zadkiel to shine a violet healing light on me as I absorb it with one palm facing upward, as I face the other palm down toward the Earth and ask him to move out whatever energy doesn’t belong or serve me well, so it can be recycled by Gaia. 


The main thing is to not deny the emotions we feel or hide from them.  We need to experience them before we release them.  So, be a Grumpy Monkey when you feel that way, whether you know the reason behind it, or not.  It’s okay to be grumpy.  In fact, it’s probably as necessary as it is helpful, so we can appreciate the days we don’t feel grumpy. 


Remember, also, if you have an adverse emotional reaction to someone, it may not be intentional on their part, it may be energetic and out of their control.  Trust your reactions and your intuition.  If spending time with someone always results in a negative emotional reaction, try to figure out why, and if appropriate and possible, there’s nothing wrong with staying away from them.  Your reactions and theirs, as well as both of your energy may change over time, but it’s always a good idea to be aware of yourself, your feelings, and your reactions, so you can deal with them more quickly and easily.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend.  Blessings, all.



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