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How the Archangels See Themselves

A Candid Description

I’ve been channeling the Archangels for years, and to say I’m fond of them would be an understatement. I love them, I trust them, and I depend on them and their wisdom and support. Because I love them so much, I wonder sometimes if I’m biased. As far as I’m concerned, they’re everything good, but sometimes, I’ve wondered how well they really understand me and what being a human being, living on Earth, is really like. Few have never incarnated or lived a human life, so I’ve sometimes mused on whether or not they really understand what we go through here. So, I asked them, and their response follows.

Question: If you’re amenable, I’d like to offer a more extensive and realistic view of the Archangels. I think most people who believe in you think of you as being possibly perfect and infallible, certainly superior, but after working with you this long, I’ve come to appreciate you as being more “down to Earth,” even if you don’t live on Earth with us. How do you feel about giving us a realistic description of yourselves from your perspective?


As our dear channel has said many times in the past, when you put someone on a pedestal, the fall can be dangerous, the landing treacherous, so we prefer to stay on an equal level with you, and we will greet this challenge head on, with honesty and humility.

No human being is perfect. We will share a secret with you, and tell you that no Angel is perfect, either. The only perfect aspects to us are the purity of love we have for all people and the dedication we share in serving you. These two things never falter.

When we first began working with our channel, we told her we considered her and all humans our equals. She could barely think this, much less repeat it. It made her very uncomfortable. What we have tried to impress upon her is that, while we possess gifts and powers that human beings do not have, people also have abilities we do not have. We cannot incarnate and live on Earth as you do. More importantly, all of you are more powerful than you have been conditioned to believe, and your true nature is as loving as is ours, although living in 3D has buried this under fear and the need for survival. This is changing now due to The Shift.

You have been closed off for so long, it is difficult for many of you to believe that you have not been abandoned to your own fates. All of you have spiritual teams of Angels and other high Guides who stay with you and help you in various ways. You all receive guidance throughout your lives. Sometimes it is a thought, an idea, a hint, a person, a visual, an opportunity, a dream, a song. Your team is very vigilant and never abandons you. Whoever calls on them or on us is always heard.

We recently attempted to explain to our channel that one of our greatest challenges is finding a balance as we help you. We always work with your best interests in mind, but as you can easily imagine if you are honest and brave, what you think is best for you is not always truly in your overall best interests. Also, while your focus is on your human life, we must balance your human needs with your spiritual needs, and these two points of view and the goals associated within them often vary greatly.

We also struggle to find a balance regarding how much information to give you. Our channel sometimes loses patience with us, and we say this with love, because we appreciate all parts of her, and she sometimes wonders why we don’t just “spell things out” for her, rather than allowing her to struggle with finding meaning and making choices, but we have explained that she sometimes needsto struggle and learn in her own way, at a slower pace, for her own good. Yes, we have many of the answers she seeks and are privy to much information she would like to have, but to simply present things to her would deprive her of some of the lessons and experiences she needs that add value to her learning, as well as her evolution.

Would it be easier for her if we simply provided the answers and information? Sometimes, yes, but would it be best for her? Not always. There is a lot to be said for figuring things out for yourself, rather than just being given the information. She has done much the same in the past with her former students when she was a teacher. Could she have simply given them the answers for assignments and tests? Yes, but would they have learned the lessons they needed? In most cases, the answer is no.

Consider that your human life, for most, lasts less than a century, whereas your soul is immortal. When your human life ends, your soul continues on, so we cannot disregard your soul’s interests in favor of your human interests. We must constantly strive for some kind of balance between the two. Add to that your human side does not have the benefit of access to the universal knowledge that your soul and we have, and things can get very complicated.

Angels have served humanity since your beginning, and we know and understand you well. However, most of us have never incarnated. We have never lived on Earth, although we do occasionally visit briefly from time to time. We have never experienced life as a human being, with very few exceptions. We have not experienced living as a human any more than you have experienced living as an Angel, so we cannot know everything there is to know about that, as we do not have that experience. Although we know you very well, we cannot fully know how you feel as you experience life on Earth completely.

We can anticipate your reactions with great accuracy in most cases, but as you all have free will to act and react as you choose, we are not always accurate in our assessments, and what we anticipate is not always what happens. Sometimes, you make different choices than we anticipated, and the help we planned to give you goes awry. Sometimes, we make errors. They are not thoughtless or careless, but they happen. When we do, we work very hard to correct course, again, always with your best interests at heart.

When things go off course and against you and/or the life plan in place, we do not frivolously say, “Oops!” and move on to the next item on the agenda. We work with your soul and try to provide guidance and options to get you back on the best track. It is fortunate that we do not require food and rest, as there would not be time for those pursuits on a regular basis, as you require! Since most of you are not aware of us or active participants in the guidance we offer, it can be tricky at times.

We know you are far more capable and powerful than you are aware, and it is often challenging to get you to believe, much less pursue, this. Your limitations are, for the most part, highly exaggerated, imagined, or pushed upon you by others. You have been conditioned and convinced to believe that you are basically powerless, and one of our greatest challenges is to persuade you to take chances that depend on you believing in yourself. We want so badly for you to succeed and evolve, but convincing you to have faith in yourself is often difficult. We wish you saw yourselves as we see you. Powerful. Capable. Exceptional.

Life can be challenging and difficult. Life, in fact, can be brutal, we know. We cannot always make sure you avoid the dark tunnels through which you must travel at times. We cannot protect you from all suffering and hardship, for to do so — and we realize this is hard for many of you to grasp — would not be in your overall best interests. What we can do is promise we will never abandon you to the darkness, and that we will eventually lead you to the light you seek at the end of those dark tunnels, should you choose to follow us. You are never alone.

We humbly and freely admit that we are not perfect. We sometimes make mistakes and misjudgments, and we do our best to correct them and serve you to the best of our abilities. We see such greatness and potential in you, and we will never stop working toward enabling you to see and to know this, also.

Having freely admitted that we are imperfect, we also repeat that our love for you and confidence in you are pristine, and we will never stop trying to help you see yourselves as we see you. We are so proud of the progress you have made and continue to make. More than ever before, you constantly are making gains and headed in a favorable direction. You are evolving at a faster and truer and more permanent pace than ever before, and we celebrate you all the time.

You are incarnated human beings, yes, but you are also divine beings of light, just as we are, and we will always stand by and for you. We will never desert you, and you can all call upon us at any time for help and comfort. We cannot always help you in the way you ask, but we will always act in your best interests. We are for you, one hundred percent, and we love you unconditionally.

Final Thoughts

So, despite what many of us tend to think, the Archangels are not perfect. Much like us, however, they try their best to do a good job, and they always want what is best for us, not only in the short term, but for the long term, as well. Unlike us, they are privy to the bigger, divine picture, so while we can’t understand sometimes why we have to go through the things we do, they see the benefit we’ll gain from these experiences that we sometimes never understand during our lifetimes.

I also know that they are in constant contact with our souls regarding many things. Our souls are higher, much more knowledgeable versions of ourselves, and everything we endure, they also endure. Our souls work with our Angels and Guides to provide us with the most valuable life experiences as possible, not only for this life but beyond this life. So, it’s not like those old movies depicting divine beings playing games with human lives, moving us around a symbolic gameboard. Rather, I picture “team meetings” with the goal being to figure out a game plan that benefits us the most.

Our spiritual teams can and often do include us, our souls, Angels, other high Guides, Ascended Masters, ancestors, departed loved ones, The Creator, and many other beings who try to help us throughout our lives. We make arrangements for their help before we come to Earth. Our lives are not supposed to be perfect. What would we learn and how would we evolve if they were? Why grow or do anything differently or try anything new if life is perfect?

I think the message is clear here. They want to help us. They neither are nor think they are perfect or above us, and they try their best to do a good job, and we are their job. Like us, they make mistakes and miscalculations, but when that happens, they work to correct it and smooth the way forward. The great thing about channeling the Archangels for me is, they are always with me. I can reach out to them at any time, and they are always there, doing their best for me. I feel their loving energy, and I depend on that and them.

I share them and their messages with you, so you will have the same sense of hope and comfort they give to me. As I said to a friend of mine yesterday, who doesn’t need a little extra hope and support these days? Even if you don’t yet hear them, as I do, please know they are with you, too, and you also can call upon them at any time. I’m going through a lot right now, and knowing they’re there, and when I begin to feel overwhelmed, I call on them, and they remind me that I’m powerful and capable. Many times, they believe in me more than I believe in myself.

Today is Friday, and just as a reminder, the intention for Friday night meditations this month is connection between us and our Guides, Angels, Universe, God, our souls, and each other. If you have the time and inclination, I hope you’ll join us with this in mind, from wherever you are, at whatever time you’re available, knowing that the Angels will be there to facilitate this intention. Just ten minutes can make a world of difference!

I hope you all have a very joyful, comforting weekend, knowing we are never truly alone. We have a whole team watching out for and helping us!

Blessings, all.


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