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Compassion Takes Practice

The Archangels School Us on Why This is Important

I write two kinds of articles on Medium, one kind that is spiritual, like this one, and another kind that is political in nature.  The political ones, I believe, will be short-lived.  I write them as an outlet for my frustration and aggravation and to spread some truth and information around for consideration.  I think the political kind will probably stop for the most part after the election in November, although politicians and SCOTUS all offer lots of inspiration, so who knows?


This article came about as I realized that I’m not as worried as I once was about the election outcome, not because I’m sure the Dems are going to win the election, but because I’ve been practicing on using compassion to overshadow the irritation I feel from time to time regarding politics and the ignorance and idiocy that often accompany it.  Sometimes, I read something, and I’m stunned.  Anger is quick to answer, but I’ve been trying very hard to temper it with compassion, and I’ve found that it becomes easier the more I reach for it.


I asked the Archangels to help us understand why compassion is so important when dealing with people who vehemently deny or overlook the proven truth or strongly disagree with what we think in a decidedly disrespectful or ignorant way, and their answer follows.


Question:  It’s easier to be mad than it is to reach for compassion, but compassion feels so much better, and I think we all need to try to use it more often.  Can you please explain why this is valid and important right now?




Differences of opinion should never lead to declarations of enemies, hatred, or violence.  You will all have to learn and embrace this as you move forward in the fifth dimension.  Rather than leading to conflict, they should lead to acceptance.  This is not to say that you have to agree with others’ views, and neither does it mean you should not actively try to counter the actions of others with whom you disagree.  As long as your efforts are peaceful, respectful, and honest, without malicious intent toward anyone, there is nothing wrong with disagreeing and trying to defeat certain measures if they are contrary to what you believe to be righteous.


So many of you are upset and anxious about politics right now.  This is a perfect setting to practice acceptance of others, regardless of differing opinions.  Consider that, if you cannot understand someone, the deficiency lies within you.  Again, you do not have to change your mind, and if you cannot understand someone, that is alright, but again, that missing understanding lies within you, not them.  It is your lack of understanding, not theirs.  If they do not understand you, it is their lack of understanding of you, not yours.  Understanding does not necessarily include legitimizing their beliefs, it simply means you know why they believe what they do, whether you agree with them, or not.


Many of you do not understand each other’s choices right now.  Rather than getting angry at the people you cannot understand, try to gain some insight and understanding for them.  We will tell you that, for those who seem to make choices that lack any logic or truth, their driving force is usually fear.  That fear can show up as anger, obnoxiousness, stubbornness, denial, or any number of other things, but fear is the overlying cause.  So, understanding why they think and do what they do simply means you understand that they are acting out of fear, which clouds judgment.  If you cannot find compassion and kindness for their beliefs and choices, can you not find compassion and kindness for someone whose life is driven and overshadowed by fear?


Whether their thoughts and fears are viable or baseless, rational or far-fetched, true or false, fear is a powerful motivator, and whether you agree with them or not, the fear is real to them, and you should never dismiss it.  You are not the one dealing with it.  They are, and it is insensitive to think it is frivolous or inconsequential when you are not the one contending with it.


When one is fearful, they are far more gullible and easier to manipulate.  So many of you sneer at how easily they are fooled and controlled.  That is not a compassionate response.  Most people have been fooled at some point in their lives, and it is not a pleasant realization.  Feel sorry for those easily fooled over and over again.  Feel sorry for those who have given up their power and their free will to others.  If they realize at some point that they have been lied to, they will feel badly enough without others berating them.


People who are afraid are more likely to compromise their principles, beliefs, and values.  Sometimes, they do things they really do not want to do, because they have been convinced that their entire existence will be threatened and compromised if they do not.  They are convinced that their actions are the lesser of evils and acceptable, because these desperate times were instigated by others, and they will become worse if actions are not taken.  They are convinced that they have no choice.


Some are made to feel as if they are brave and heroic for standing up for an ideal, that they are soldiers of righteousness and what they are doing will help and protect others, such as children, the aged, or other groups who are perceived as weaker and in need of protection.  Some are even made to believe that their cause is also their God’s cause, and they are being called on by a higher power to act.  Others are shamed and coerced into doing things they later regret.  They are threatened with banishment or accused of cowardice.  People who are good at manipulating others are very good at finding the angle that works best to control them.


We tell you now it is never alright to hurt or persecute others for any reason other than to stop them from physically hurting another.  It is one thing to stand between a person and imminent harm, and another to pretend that violence will prevent imminent harm.  Do you see the difference? 


As an example, it is one thing to stop a person from striking someone, and something entirely different to go against someone, because you think they might pose a threat at some point in the future, and you decide you want to prevent it by attacking them before they attack someone else.  Manipulators are famous for pointing their fingers at supposed threats and bidding their followers to strike out against them before they have even caused any harm.  Cruelty is never acceptable simply to get what you want, to have things your way.  When people live their lives in fear, they sometimes cannot see this.


Humanity must stop viewing each other as enemies, whether you agree or disagree on something.  Just because someone has a different view does not make them your enemy.  People would do better trying to explain and teach their points of view, rather than to try to force them on each other.  Forcing and attempting to control each other never works out well for anyone in the long term.  Even if someone is able to gain power over others, it is always temporary, and this is easy to see when war breaks out.


Everyone should find a way to live their life in a way that brings them love, joy, hope, and peace of mind.  There are many ways to go about this.  If you find a way that works for you, rejoice, but remember that, while your way works for you, it does not necessarily work for others.  Share your insight with the idea of helping, but do not be insulted if your way is not the way that works for others.  To believe that your choices are best for anyone else, much less everyone else, is very unrealistic and short-sighted. 


Consider whether or not you would be happy with someone else’s choices, including those with which you strongly disagree.  Do they know better what is best for you than you do?  Everyone must decide for themselves how to live.


We send all energies of Love and Light.


Final Thoughts


When you consider that people who are fear driven look at everything through that lens of fear, it’s easier to understand how their views can become so distorted.  When you’re afraid, you don’t think or see things clearly.  If the fear becomes strong enough, the person who is riding it goes into survival mode, and they want to shut down whatever or whoever they perceive as a threat, and there’s a whole lot of propaganda out there right now that has people convinced that their lives and their futures are on the line.


I spoke to an elderly lady about a year ago who had watched what was cited as a reenactment of a delivery of a baby that the mother said she wanted to abort when she was already in labor, so the doctor delivered the baby and tossed it on a side table to be ignored and forgotten.  The message that followed, of course, was about the evils of abortion and how the only hope for these poor, unfortunate children to find mercy from the cold, heartless doctors and soulless, loveless mothers was to pass a national ban against all abortions.  All the lady could see was a crying, abandoned baby, and she couldn’t get passed that to question the legitimacy of the program she’d seen.


Another lady, a grandmother, had been convinced by others that her grandchildren’s very lives were in danger from the LGBTQ+ community, that they were going to try to groom, change, target, abuse, etc. her innocent grandchildren, who she loved so dearly.  They convinced her that “they” were coming for them, and the only way to protect them was to vote for Trump and the Republican ticket, take away the right to marriage for all, outlaw gay adoption, etc. etc.  She couldn’t break through her fear for her grandchildren’s safety to ask questions such as how blocking those things would keep her grandkids safe, or that the accusations were completely unfounded, or even ask who “they” referred to.  She was in survival mode where her grandchildren were concerned.


There are all kinds of stories like this.  The Angels are right, those who are good at manipulation are so good at it, because they can figure out a person’s fears and prey on them.  The remedy is not to get angry and impatient with them, although that is so easy to do.  It’s to reason with them and explain patiently why such accusations are not true, why whatever scenario they’ve seen is a lie, and that they are safe from whatever threats they’ve been told exist.  Obviously, if they are not willing or ready to listen to reason or the truth, you can’t force them to, but yelling and berating them isn’t going to get through their fears, either.  If they won’t listen, we need to treat them with kindness, anyway, and wish them well, let them know if they want more information, where they can find it.  If they’re not ready to listen, maybe wishing them well and letting them know that you’re sorry they’re so frightened will lead to them realizing that not everyone they’ve been told is their enemy really is an enemy.


Fear isn’t rational, and if someone is consumed by it, they can’t think clearly.  Sometimes, if they’re ready, it can be overcome, but sometimes, it can’t.  We can’t reach some people, but that doesn’t mean we should judge and condemn them, either.  Reach for compassion.  We have a much better chance of clearing up misconceptions and disagreements with compassion than we do with anger or cruelty.


On that note, I wish you all a happy Friday, and I hope you have a peaceful, compassionate weekend ahead of you.  If you’re available and feel so inclined, you’re invited to participate in the Friday night group meditation with the Archangels using the intention of finding courage for facing the truth, facing fears, and navigating these often chaotic times we’re living in.  Wherever you are, at whatever time, please call on the Angels, set this loving intention for courage for all, and the Angels will gather the energy and disperse it to wherever and whomever needs it most.


Blessings, all.



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