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We All Do the Best We Can

The Archangels Discuss Choices, Actions, and Compassion on 5D Earth

I’m guarding my peace of mind carefully these days. I rebounded pretty quickly after election results came out and got busy channeling and writing right away in hopes of offering comfort to those who struggled with disappointment and fear after the results were in. This week has offered new challenges as the upcoming Presidential support team members are announced, and I have stayed away from the news altogether because of it, for my own peace of mind.

I’m guessing we’re in for some rocky times, but I also know we’re going to be okay and that good things will result from the challenges we’ll face, and it’s a testament to my determination to embrace hope over fear that keeps me from having hard feelings towards those responsible for choosing the next president. I don’t believe that everyone who voted for Trump is a bad person, ignorant, a bigot, or any of the other terms being used to describe them. They’re people doing the best they can, just like me. Isn’t that what we all do? Who wouldn’t do their best, since it’s their life and future on the line? People make mistakes and sometimes regret their choices and actions, but at the time, even if they end up having regrets, they did their best in any given situation. With this in mind, I asked the Archangels to comment on this idea that everyone does their best, and their answer follows.

Question: I’d like to write about how everyone does the best they can in whatever circumstances or situation they find themselves in, even when it doesn’t seem like it to other people. Please help.


Most people find it quick and easy to judge others. You have a saying on Earth, “Actions speak louder than words,”and there is some truth in that, some value, however it is too simplistic. First of all, while it is necessary and logical to place actions above words, as actions require more thought and effort, someone’s action is never fully understood without knowing everything that came before it, which is impossible, in most cases.

Secondly, while it is necessary to evaluate actions, so you may compare them to your values and beliefs in order to deem them acceptable or unacceptable, judgment for the one who is responsible for those actions should not be included.

Rather than judgment, condemnation, and persecution, you should instead reach for compassion and, if possible, love and acceptance, not of the person’s actions, but for the person who acted. This is very difficult in the beginning, because so many people are critical of others, but this is the direction in which you should aim. It is supported by 5D energy, and to practice love, acceptance, and compassion over fear, anger, and condemnation is a journey you must all make in order to be comfortable in the fifth dimension and to continue to grow spiritually.

It is very easy to judge, and it is even easier to say, “I would never do that.”However, you must realize that you will never be privy to all the information that led up to a person making choices, decisions, and actions. Even if you think you know their background, their history, it is incomplete, because what happens to people on Earth, as well as whatever actions they choose and choices they make, is only the surface information. You are not privy to their life plan, the life lessons their soul has targeted to learn during this lifetime, or the many other reasons and multiple effects that are needed for various reasons, many of which are connected to the life plans of others, which were contracted before incarnation.

When harm is caused by the actions of others, there are often more positive outcomes that come to pass of which you are never made aware. As a human being, it is natural to want to avoid negative experiences, yet it is often through those times that great spiritual, as well as human, growth is achieved. We do not expect you to now seek out hardship and pain, but when you experience such times, when you are ready, try to learn something from them, as there are always multiple opportunities for learning and growth.

When it comes to the actions of others, most of you are well practiced at making snap judgments that are often critical and harsh toward others. It takes time to overcome bad habits, but when you are ready, try to catch yourself when you do this. Instead of evaluating and ending in judgment, condemning another person for their words or actions, follow up those thoughts with the reminder that you do not know what led up to that person’s choices either during or before this life. Also, consider that it is possible that good things may happen as a result of bad choices sometime in the future of which you may never learn.

If you are able to open to the idea, take your journey a step further and offer love, compassion, and acceptance to the people involved in the situation, both those who suffered as well as those who caused their suffering. In the beginning, you may only be able to contemplate helping the victims, but eventually, try to find compassion for the perpetrators as well. We do not say you must accept or excuse their behavior, but work towards remembering that you do not know their entire back story.

It is not acceptable to knowingly cause harm to others, ever, but if you did not ever see this happening, how would you know it is not acceptable? This is part of the human experience and the soul’s journey, to analyze and evaluate what is and is not acceptable and to learn from it. You all agree as souls to participate in learning as well as teaching such lessons through your actions during many lifetimes. Personal, as well as others’ growth will be a consequence of such actions, so try to consider the benefits as part of the consequences, along with the negative side of things.

In addition, consider that everyone has their own gifts as well as strengths and weaknesses. These, also, affect choices and actions. Some of you can keep a cool head and remain calm and logical in a crisis, while others cannot. Actions people take are not always simply choices they make, but rather reactions based on their gifts, strengths, and weaknesses. People who react “badly” in certain circumstances are often unable to act otherwise. To judge them harshly is unfair. To indicate that you would never behave the way they did may be accurate, but again, you are not them, you are you, with your own gifts, strengths, weaknesses, and background. Try to get away from comparing yourself to others. Everyone is unique and powerful in their own ways.

A good place to start on this path of enlightenment is to consider those people you have judged harshly in the past or are perhaps currently judging harshly. This is a good time to do this, with so much polarity throughout the world. You need not excuse, accept, or forgive them or their behavior right now, but try to acknowledge that you do not truly know them, even if you are aware of certain actions of theirs with which you disagree. This is the first step, realizing that there is more to a person than simply what you can observe, based on their actions.

Next, if this person is obviously bitter, angry, or hateful, along with their choices, words, and actions, consider that, in order to become that way, things happened to them during their lives that shaped them accordingly. You may never know what happened to lead them to where they are now, but know that people do not become this way without provocation.

The next step is finding compassion for people who are clearly unhappy, even if their choices and actions adversely affect you or others. Remember, there are always many unknown reasons for why they are the way they are. Even if you cannot forgive their actions, try to find room for compassion. This does not mean you must forgive them or allow them to continue their behavior. You can still stand against them and try to stop them from continuing their harmful practices, but try to temper it with compassion whenever possible, not only for their sake, but for your own peace of mind and progress. While compassion is energetically supported and comfortable on 5D Earth, hatred and persecution are not, and those who reach for such emotions and act on them will never find peace.

You are all evolving in Earth’s relatively new 5D atmosphere. Rather than clinging to old habits that involve low vibrational emotions, try to embrace these changes and welcome new ways of thinking and processing information. Shed fear, anger, and judgment, and replace them with compassion, love, and acceptance. You must want to do this before it happens. You must want to release anger, judgment, and condemnation. You must want to embrace compassion, love and acceptance of people where they are, regardless of whether or not you accept their actions. No one ever said evolution was easy!

We send you all Love and Light, and please know that we accept and love you unconditionally wherever you are in this journey.

Final Thoughts

Choosing compassion, love, and acceptance is as much of a choice as choosing fear, anger, and judgment. Let’s think about that for a minute. We can choose to condemn someone, or we can choose to love them. It has nothing to do with their actions, and that’s what usually slows us up, right? Either we can focus on all people being human beings and deserving of acceptance and dignity, or we can focus on the actions they do that drive us nuts and allow those actions to hold us back. Whatever we decide has a whole lot less to do with them than it does with us as individuals.

How far along this journey have we evolved? Are we clinging to old 3D values and emotions, or are we embracing the 5D mindset? I know, I know, but they make us so mad sometimes! How could they do that? How could they be so … stupid, backward, influenced, ignorant, etc., etc.? I think the point is, it’s not about them and their choices as much as it’s about us as individuals and the choices we make.

What do we choose? It’s certainly not going to be acceptance of their practices in many cases, but it does need to include an acknowledgement that one, we don’t know them or what led them to make their choices and act accordingly, and two, they have as much right to feel the way they do as we have to feel differently. It’s not about any particular set of circumstances or situation. It’s about what kind of person we choose to be.

We can choose to disagree with anyone at any given time, and we can work against whatever goals they have if we disagree with them, but if we want to embrace a better world, we need to be the kind of people the world needs. The world needs people who accept and care about others. Not just the ones who believe what they do and act in a way they agree with and condone, but also those who act in ways they disagree with and who they oppose.

The bottom line is, we have to get passed valuing only those who are like us and embrace those who are different from us, as well. Choosing to condemn those with differing viewpoints is its own kind of bigotry that has nothing to do with the common avenues regarding race, religion, culture, etc. We have to acknowledge that all people are valuable and worthy, whether they think and act as we do, or not. Easier said than done, but possible if we embrace the idea and want to grow in that direction. It’s not going to just happen; we have to choose to make it happen.

Happy Friday everyone. Don’t forget Friday night meditation, if you’d like to participate from wherever you are, at whichever time you’re available. As a reminder, the intention this month is balance for us and for others. This includes emotional balance as well as balance of masculine and feminine energy, both of which we all have, regardless of gender. When we are in balance, we’re in a better, stronger position to help ourselves and each other. I hope you all have a very balanced, peaceful weekend, and consider embracing the idea of accepting others wherever they’re at and sending them compassion, rather than anger.

Blessings, all.



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