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Peace of Mind During Turbulent Times

The Archangels Tell Us How To Find It and Keep It

These are stressful times for all of us.  I’ve long known that politics are a trigger for me that I struggle to manage, so my peace of mind isn’t sacrificed.  This is sometimes a challenge for a couple of reasons.  First, I have to balance staying up to date on the latest information and stressing out about it.  I peruse the news app, mostly just reading the titles of articles, rather than the whole thing, and if I know something is just going to aggravate me, I try to avoid it entirely.  Secondly, I have not yet evolved to the point that people do not aggravate me at times.  I can usually rise above them, but sometimes it takes more time than others.


For example, I’m sure you’ve read about the attacks on Kamala Harris by now, proclaiming that she is where she’s at today, because she slept her way to the top.  Some of my readers have shared some comments they read that were pretty crude, never mind unfair.  It’s 2024, folks, for crying out loud.  Considering that many of Harris’ most prestigious appointments were jobs for which she was elected, that doesn’t really hold much weight, but the fact that misogyny and ignorance of that nature are still around at this late date is beyond aggravating.  It’s outrageous to think that there are people who still assume such things.  It’s right up there with blaming a rape victim for how she dressed or thinking women shouldn’t have choices regarding their own bodies.  Oh yeah, Roe was overturned not too long ago, wasn’t it?!  Do you see the connection?


In any case, after getting many requests and concerns from my readers, I asked the Archangels for some advice on how to maintain our peace of mind during the chaos that seems to control our country right now, and their response follows.


Question:  I’d like to write about how it takes work and practice to have and maintain peace of mind these days.  Please help.




Indeed, it is at times difficult to attain and maintain peace of mind during these days of fluctuating chaos.  It is easier to initially find and build it than to maintain it, to be sure.  What we wish to tell you is that it takes a certain amount of dedication and determination to reach a point where you can rise above and separate from any kind of chaos around you, but it can absolutely be done. 


Begin by evaluating yourself right now.  Do not consider the past or the future, only the present.  Are you and your life stable right now?  Do not consider circumstances or potential disasters that have yet to happen.  Only consider today.  Do you have the basic necessities you need for survival, including food, water, and shelter?  Are you facing a threat right now?  Do you have good health, clothing, and a source of income?  If so, reach for gratitude that these basic needs are being met.


Now, consider past hardships.  Whatever the situation or circumstances were, you obviously survived and endured them, correct?  Can you identify anything good that came from them or any lessons learned?  Would you be as strong and knowledgeable as you are now if you had not experienced them?  You do not have to feel grateful for the hardships themselves or for what you suffered, but again, reach for gratitude that you gained something of value from those hard times, whether you gained wisdom, knowledge, experience, strength, or something else.  We assure you, whether you realize it or not, you gained some kind of spiritual growth.


Now, consider your current level of peace of mind.  Are you at peace, or are you not at peace?  Whether you are or are not at peace in this moment, ask yourself why that is.  If you are at peace, figure out how you got there.  There are always outside influences that can affect your peace of mind if you allow it, so if you are at peace, you have already established some coping mechanisms.  What are they?  Is it an abundance of self-confidence?  Faith in God, Source, the universe?  Trust in Angels or high Guides?  What has led to you having peace of mind?  This is important, so you can remind yourself how to get it back if you ever misplace it.


If you do not have peace of mind, ask yourself why.  Is it because you fear what the future may hold?  If so, remind yourself of the following things:


-       You are a divine, powerful being of light

-       Of all the things you fear for the future, how many are within your power to control?  The answer is usually very few, so to worry about something you cannot control is fruitless.  Do what you can to ensure your wellbeing, prepare as you can, then refer back to #1

-       Consider that, of the many fears you may have for the future, very few are likely to actually happen.  There are many who prey on your fears and exacerbate them if you allow them to do so.  Do not give them your power.  Think back to all of the things you have feared in the past that people told you could, might or would happen that never took place.  They far outnumber those that actually happened. 

-       If you lack peace of mind because there are people around you who aggravate you or the circumstances in which you find yourself, refer to #1 again, and make an effort to deny them any power over you.  Who are they to control you?  The fact is, they cannot, unless you allow it.

-       Acknowledge your feelings, then commit to not allowing them or the people who triggered them to lower your vibration or take your peace of mind.  Rather than entertain disparaging thoughts, send them loving energy instead.


There are those who are behind you and those who are ahead of you in their spiritual journey.  Everyone is on their own path, on their own timeline.  Many of you who read this are ahead in your journey and find it difficult to tolerate those who are far behind you.  This is understandable, but we ask you to either avoid them or reach for compassion where they are concerned, for they are afraid.  They do not know how to deal with their fears or find peace of mind, and they are lost, miserable, and easily manipulated.


Instead of struggling to understand them or trying to influence them, accept them for who they are and where they are in their spiritual journey.  You were once where they are now, if not in this life, then in another, and they will someday be where you are now, if not in this life, then in another.  As hard as it may be to believe, good will eventually come from their behavior that will serve many well, for it is not through acceptance that change occurs, but through unacceptance of the way things are being done.  If they did not provide the stimulus for change, it would not happen.  They may not learn from their mistakes, but you will, because you are on the path of discovery, whether or not they are.


Remember who you are!  Focus on the things you can control, and release the angst and the stress connected to the things you cannot control, knowing that you will be able to overcome and navigate whatever will come to pass.  Politics and elections are good examples for which to exercise this train of thought.  Vote for who you think is the better candidate, and base that choice on factual evidence, rather than opinion, lies, exaggeration and here say.  Think for yourself, rather than allowing someone else to think for you or accepting information without questioning it.  More and more, the truth is being revealed.  Do not bypass or reject the truth simply because it is uncomfortable or contrary to what you believed before you accessed it.  Be true and honest with yourself, always.


Cast your well-informed vote and await the outcome knowing you are strong enough to overcome and navigate everything that follows, and knowing, too, that you are not alone.  Nothing is set in stone, and nothing is permanently irreversible.  As the future unfolds, so then will truth and transparency, which will make future choices and changes clearer. 


You can reach peace of mind relatively easily.  The harder part is maintaining it.  Do not wait until fear, anger, or stress overwhelms you.  Make every effort to self-assess often, preferably daily, so you can focus on your power, rather than on the chaos surrounding you.  Do not forfeit your strength, hope, and peace for any reason, and do not allow anyone to take it from you, because they will surely try.  Refuse to give them that kind of power and control over you.  They do not deserve it.


When you get in the habit of countering fear and anxiety with reminders of your strength and power, they will not be able to overtake or overwhelm you.  Remember that you can always ask us for guidance and protection, and when you have difficulty maintaining your peace of mind for whatever reason, ask us for more energies of Love and Light, and we will give them to you, so you can fortify yourself.


We send you energies of Love and Light now and always.  All you have to do is request and accept them.


Final Thoughts


We all live through many incarnations to reach a point where we can send loving thoughts to the people who irritate us the most.  To be able to do so proves that we are gaining ground spiritually, even if it takes a while to settle down and work off the aggravation while we work up the loving energy we send to them.


I know many of us are worried about the elections and how the outcome will affect everything, but whatever happens, we will get through it, and if it’s horrible, we’ll unite and undo the damage that is done.  We’re strong and resilient. 


Keep this in mind when you feel fear and dread creeping in.  Why spend precious time worrying about things that haven’t happened yet and may (hopefully) never happen.  Focus instead on your peace of mind, your inner power, and your ability to overcome whatever you face.  We’ll get through things, as we always do.


Happy Friday!  I hope you spend at least part of the weekend working on reinforcing your peace of mind and holding onto it.  When the chaos becomes loud, go to a quiet place and spend time with yourself.  Build yourself up and stay on top of things.  If you need to pause and take a break from it all, do that.  It’ll still be there when you get back. 


Find your power, and if you can’t, ask the Angels for some of theirs.  They’ll gladly give it to you.  If you have the time and inclination, please join our group meditation anytime Friday evening, from anywhere you happen to be, and call the Angels to you.  Offer loving energy with the intention for this month, which is that truth and transparency be revealed to all of us.  The Angels will gather up all our energy, add their own to it, and distribute it where it’s needed most.


Blessings, all.




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