The Archangels Specify the Difference

When I was growing up, if something bad or sad happened to someone, people often said it was God’s will. The nicer version of that was, “God works in mysterious ways.” Although I can agree, at least in part, to the second saying, since lord knows I don’t always understand why things happen the way they do at times, and I certainly don’t pretend to understand all the mysteries of the universe, I never could understand or agree with the first.
The God I’ve always known is a loving God, so to suggest that when someone dies or gets sick, or befalls something terrible is due to God’s will just doesn’t resonate with me. People have used this saying to justify things they don’t understand. I remember when AIDS hit the scene, and preachers had the gall to say that AIDS was God’s will, punishment and response to homosexuality. I remember wondering who they thought created gay people. Wasn’t it the same God?
Did you ever see the movie, The Kingdom of Heaven, with Orlando Bloom? It was about the “Holy Crusades” and the wars in the Holy Land. Throughout the movie, the people who wanted war kept shouting, “God wills it!” For the life of me, I don’t understand why Christians, Jews, and Muslims can’t just share the Holy land. Why does one religion’s holy spots have to be more holy than another’s? If this region is so holy, why is it always at war? Why can’t love of God override the entitlement of men?
In any case, I asked the Archangels about God’s will, how it’s used, and what it really is, and their response follows.
Question: I’d like to write about the misrepresentation and usurping of “God’s will” and what really constitutes God’s will. Please help.
We think a good place to begin is differentiating between God’s will and free will. All people are born with free will. That is not to say that people cannot be forced, controlled, manipulated, fooled, or brainwashed, and it is not to say that everyone is in a position to exercise free will. However, everyone has the mental capacity for free will, even if what they desire seems unattainable.
Right now on Earth, some people can practice their free will, and others are oppressed to the point where they cannot, and if those who are scrambling for power have their way, fewer people will be able to indulge their free will.
Nearly all wars can be traced back to one of two things, greed or oppression. Greed is reflected in those who promote war and control over others, while oppression is reflected in those who rebel against them. Wars born out of greed serve a selfish purpose. The people attacked have something the oppressors want, whether it be land, resources, power, position, or something else. Both current major wars in Gaza and the Ukraine have to do with greed for power and position. While there is also obvious oppression involved, they were initiated and they are driven by greed. This can also be said of most “holy wars.” Just because the warmongers proclaimed they fight for God does not make it true.
Revolutions begin out of misery and oppression. Oppression has its roots in greed, also, but when people are so miserably oppressed, they are often led to resist the oppression under which they suffer, because oppression is an abomination to their natural impulses and desires to express their free will.
For the record, war is never God’s will.
Life is often rocked by hardships of many origins. When something bad happens, many people proclaim it as God’s will, and that is untrue. In biblical times, those in power were often considered favored by God, and those without power were often considered cursed by God. Neither of those things were true, either.
God does not overpower free will, not because that power does not exist, but because mankind has domain over Earth, perhaps not evenly or fairly at this time, but mankind rules the Earth. Frankly, those in power positions, for the most part, are not doing a good job. That does not mean God is going to step in and replace poor leaders with good ones, however, or smite those in charge or at the base of problems. Changing things will be up to humanity. Human beings created the problems that exist on Earth, not God. It is up to humans to fix them.
Your life was planned by your soul, and most of the hardships you experience are part of your life plan. It was designed for maximum spiritual growth and experience. While the soul plans the lifetime, the human being lives it and has the power of free will to override it. You all have a team of Guides to help lead the way through the life plan, but they cannot force you to comply. To say that occurrences during a lifetime are God’s will is incorrect. God does not plan your life, your soul does. God does not live your life, you do.
God’s will is seen in the perfection of the Earth and the universe, in all of creation, and in humanity. The will of God is life. The will of God is creation. You as human beings have been given everything you need to live and to create your life. It is up to you to use your gifts and resources, and your free will to provide a good life for all people. You do this by promoting and championing equality, compassion, and acceptance of each other without qualification. You do this by making sure that all people are valued and have the opportunity to exercise their free will, to create a safe and fulfilling life, and to participate fully.
You cannot do this by controlling others and forcing them to comply with things you deem important with which they disagree. You cannot do this through favoritism or entitlement. You cannot do this through the promotion of one agenda over all others. You cannot do this through overpowering, coercing, or limiting others’ choices, rights, and free will. That kind of agenda will never lead to peace, and it is not God’s will, but rather the will of those who wish to be in power and have control, so they can enforce their will over others.
That is man’s will, not God’s.
Final Thoughts
Not that it would do any good, but I wish every Christian nationalist would read this message. I’ve been reading that 2025 manifest and watching and listening to interviews of the people behind this movement. Scary stuff! Regardless of what they claim and no matter how pretty and necessary they make it sound, it’s not about God or religion, and it’s not about what’s best for people or the country. It’s about power and control. Controlling the government, controlling people, and enforcing their own agenda.
Even if I agreed with everything they believed, which I don’t, I would not support any agenda that forces people to comply, and that is what they want to do. I’ll be writing about it soon, not because it makes me mad or afraid, but because it’s so very wrong on so many levels. The obnoxious religious zealots you see on TV are in the minority, but don’t believe for one moment that they are powerless or unorganized. The crazies we hear and see on the news are backed by power hungry people who have a lot of money and are spending it in ways that will bring them more power. They won’t win in the long run, but they can do a lot of damage as can be seen in the decisions of SCOTUS, the overturning of Roe, and the movement to bring (Christian) religion into public schools.
Scary times.
I don’t want to end a Friday article on a negative note, though. It’s a new month, so we have a new intention for Friday night meditation, and this month the intention is truth and transparency in all things, not only collectively, but on an individual basis. It’s not always easy to be honest with yourself, but the Archangels tell us that it is important. So, if you have the time and inclination tonight, at any time, from anywhere, please join the Archangels and others as we combine and send loving energy toward this end. All energy will be dispersed by the Angels to wherever and whomever needs it most.
I hope you have a beautiful, peaceful, and truthful weekend.
Blessings, all.