Archangel Metatron
I confess, I was a little nervous and uncomfortable doing this interview, because Metatron has become a very popular, well-known, kind of modern-day Archangel in spiritual circles. I know people who channel Metatron specifically, and you read a lot about this Archangel, yet I didn’t feel as close to ‘him’ as I do to some of the others, and I didn’t understand why.
Come to find out, Metatron hasn’t been an Archangel as long as some of the others, and “he” became one through choice. Metatron – and I can now say this with the utmost respect and love – can be a little bossy, almost cocky, at times, and that’s not what I’m used to when dealing with the Angels. So, although curious, I wasn’t entirely at ease as we began, and I hoped once we visited, I’d have a better understanding of this interesting, devoted helper.
I must say, “he” didn’t disappoint, put me at ease instantly, and by the time I finished the interview, which took a couple of months, I felt a new understanding and closeness to Metatron, and I’m really looking forward to working more closely with “him” in the future.
Our Conversation
​Jodie: Hi Metatron, are you available?
Metatron: Yes, of course, my friend, and we are indeed friends. I have prepared my opening statement, as follows:
I offer greetings, Love, and Light to all who read this. I will tell you about myself and some of what I do. I love and enjoy being an Archangel, and for me, it was a choice. I did not start out as an Archangel, like most of my brethren. I began as a soul who incarnated many times, in many worlds, including and most often on Earth. I have been many people, including a prophet, a mystic, a teacher, a person of high religious rank, a parent, a rich man, a poor man, I have been powerful and lowly, and so many other things.
This beautiful channel, Jodie, knew of me as a man before she knew me as an Archangel, so we have not worked together as extensively as she has worked with some of the others. My energy feels different to her, and it is, because of my background and transition from a soul who once incarnated many times, and now is one who lives and serves as an Archangel. We are friends when she in in soul form, and we have shared many good times together, but as she does not currently retain those memories, and we have not worked together as extensively as she has some of the others during this lifetime, she feels a bit nervous.
There is no need, dear friend. Ask me anything you wish, and I will answer. As you have surmised, I am very active on Earth and with humanity right now, as we transition through The Shift. My name was not nearly as well known or mentioned even twenty years ago as it is now, because I have dedicated myself to this entire process, and it is moving quickly and forcefully now. Because of my background of having lived many lives on Earth as a human being, I am extremely well suited to guide people through this time. I know firsthand how hard it is to live a human life. I have experienced everything from human hardships to all of the human emotions and senses, so I have a unique depth of understanding.
Once I experienced these things and conquered all the life lessons I needed, I was headed toward becoming an Ascended Master, but instead, I requested of the Archangels and the Ascended Masters and of The Creator for their approval and help, so I could become one of the Archangels, and my request was granted.
The Archangels are devoted to humanity. Our purpose is to assist human souls during the times they incarnate on Earth, to help make their lifetimes purposeful, manageable, and successful in terms of spiritual growth and evolution. After living through so many difficult lifetimes on Earth, I will admit I thought I could do a better job than they did, which was presumptuous of me. You could say I was a bit “cocky,” although that is part of my charm (I feel a winky face emoji is in order here!). I learned my last lessons in humility after I became an Archangel. Thanks to my brethren who showed great patience, understanding, and love towards me and who helped me adjust.
Being an Archangel is not easy, although it is extremely satisfying and fulfilling. Whereas my unique background allows for me to understand humanity extremely well since I have walked that path many times, it also hindered me in some ways. You see, when I was human, I received guidance from the Archangels and other high Guides many, many times, and in most cases, I gladly accepted and followed it, and I often recognized it for what it was. When I became an Archangel, it was very frustrating to me to find that most people do not do this.
All people receive divine guidance from high Guides and Archangels. This is factual. However, most do not recognize it as such and when they do, there is no guarantee that they will accept or utilize it. As someone who did recognize and use divine help, it was hard to accept when I came across this phenomenon.
Assuming the mantel of humility that I earned, I had a hard time figuring out how to overcome this issue, and I continue to do so. In reality, although I am sometimes still perceived as “cocky,” I have learned to meet people where they are and accept that free will sometimes get in the way of growth and progress. This is part of learning. Whereas my brethren were created with this acceptance and understanding, I have had to learn it.
For those of you who are sensitive to energy, as Jodie is, mine may feel a tiny bit different than the others, as I still retain some of my original soul energy, as well as some of my former human habits and mannerisms. I can be a bit pushy and bossy, and I do not have as much patience as some of the others. I never lose patience with people, really, but with circumstances and limitations with which we must contend. What I do have is a love for all people on Earth, and I share the dedication of the others, as well.
My purpose is to help you to make your life better and hopefully, easier, especially now that The Shift is in full swing. I have a driving desire to get you through these difficult times as unscathed as possible. I work with many human souls, both incarnated and those in between incarnations to hasten The Shift and help you create a better world. It still feels like my world, too. I have designed and convinced so many of you to play roles at this time which will hopefully speed things up and make changes possible and doable. For I know firsthand how difficult life can be, even when things are running relatively smoothly, much less in times of chaos as these. I have felt the anger, frustration, hopelessness, and resentment in addition to the fear, confusion, loss, guilt, and shame you have all felt, and I am here to help you balance all those things with the good things life has to offer, as well. I am here to remind you that life is worth living, and I am here to help you design and create a better world that offers more of the pleasant aspects of life than the darker aspects.
Jodie: Wow, Metatron, that’s a lot to take in. I guess humanity keeps you pretty busy as we try to gain ground and navigate The Shift, huh?
Metatron: Oh, indeed you do, but it is such a labor of love, and I am happy to help you. I will say that you could make things easier, not just for me and the other Archangels, but for yourselves if you would try to be more open to the messages we sent you directly and indirectly through the many people who channel us.
When you read a message someone like Jodie shares with you, trust in how it makes you feel. What does your heart tell you? Does the message resonate? If so, trust that feeling! When something rings true, it is, because there is a part of you, your soul, that recognizes it as truth. I do not say to always believe everything that everyone offers, I say to trust yourself, your heart, your intuition. There are many times we connect you with useful information, but it is up to you whether or not to consider or believe it. Most of you are out of practice trusting what feels right, and this is an extremely important skill you should hone.
Jodie: Speaking of honing our intuition, how would you suggest we do that?
Metatron: Meditation is wonderful for this, assuming you pay attention. Unless your intention to meditate is to simply access peace, quiet, and tranquility, you should not attempt to quiet your mind. On the contrary, you should tune into any thoughts, ideas, music, memories, etc. that surface. It is helpful to set a clear intention for each meditation, then to pay attention to what comes through. It is highly likely that the source of these things that come to you qualify as divine guidance.
Another way to work on recognizing divine guidance and intuition is to ask us for signs. Signs can be requested to ensure that we are with you. For example, when Jodie was just beginning to suspect that we were with her, she asked for a sign in the form of Oreos cookies. Now, consider that this was during the COVID shutdown. She was not going to grocery stores or restaurants, she was having groceries delivered, and she had no intention of ordering these cookies. That evening, she watched a movie, and there were Oreos featured within the story. She was guided without her realization to choose that particular movie, so her sign could be offered. To say she was surprised would be quite the understatement. If you give us a chance, we will find a way to show you we are near and attentive.
Jodie: I remember that, Metatron. I was shocked out of my mind! What other kinds of signs can we look for?
Metatron: There are so many, and we tailor them to each person and occasion. Those who are mourning the loss of loved ones often see the person’s favorite animal or hear their favorite song. We help facilitate these things for the soul and for loved ones left behind. We Angels often leave feathers for people to find or show them repeated numbers. When someone is in a quandary and unsure of how to proceed, they may hear a song with lyrics that support a choice or answer, or a movie or advertisement that points to one of the choices they are considering. We also often connect you with people and information you need.
Still, I prefer it when you request your own sign, such as Jodie requesting Oreos, as it was her idea, so she recognized it right away, and she did not question the source, as so many do. That is not to say that asking for a sign such as winning the Powerball lotto is likely to be effective! Remember that we always wish to help you, but your idea of what is helpful may differ from what we know to be best for you. Have you read about all the problems lotto winners encounter? I know, I know, you are willing to take the risk, but we may not be willing put you at risk!
Jodie: Getting back to The Shift, since you have a unique background, are you leading the charge, so to speak?
Metatron: As you know, we are not a hierarchy, so there is no boss, even though I am bossy! I would say, however, that I often play the role of troubleshooter when it comes to making plans to help with The Shift. All of the Archangels are dedicated and hardworking, and they all devote themselves to helping all of mankind, especially during The Shift. However, I offer a keener understanding of human emotions and responses in any given situation, as I have “walked the walk” so to speak. Some plans look and sound great on the surface, but I can see potential problems the others do not always consider.
For example, The Shift is opening up more people to the idea of leaving higher paying jobs in big companies in order to become self-employed or to move to a smaller, lower paying job, so they can use their gifts, and their work well be more satisfying and fulfilling. Never having lived a human life, some of the others have difficulty understanding the hesitation so many feel at this prospect.
Having experienced the pull between satisfaction and security, as well as the need to meet expenses and expectations, I have a clearer understanding and can advise on how to make such a choice easier. Most people agree that satisfaction and fulfillment are more important than money in many ways, but they know, and I understand, that those things do not pay the bills. In most cases, there is a way to do and have it all, and I am very happy to facilitate that.
Jodie: For those who want to make such a change but are afraid, what would you say to them?
Metatron: I would say first of all, that there is no time limits except the ones they make. In other words, take as much time as you need to prepare for and initiate such a move. High Guides would never pressure you to do something with which you are uncomfortable. We may wish you to believe more strongly in yourself, but we are never disappointed in you when you do not pursue something.
Dreaming about something is the easy part. Taking it a step further and planning it comes next and taking the initial steps to make it a reality follows, although many people never find the courage to actually realize their dream, and that is alright, too. Just because you are not ready to realize your dreams does not mean you should stop dreaming. Hold onto that dream. Perhaps you will be in a better position someday to take it further. It is better to dream of a better life and never take it further than it is to never dream at all. Dreaming provokes hope, and hope is always a good thing.
Each person is in charge of his or her life. Any changes made are at the individual’s discretion. Any changes made are optional. Small, big, or in between, drastic or gradual, a person has the free will to do as he or she chooses. What most people do not realize, however, is that they also have the power to make their life what they want it to be. Manifestation is real, and it works if done correctly. If you can envision it, you can achieve it, if you are willing to put in the time and effort required. There are many standing by to help you.
Jodie: You’ve said you chose to be an Archangel, and that most souls do not make that choice. Why did you choose this, and why do most souls choose otherwise?
Metatron: Not just any soul can make this choice. It would have to be a soul who is highly advanced, meaning it has learned most or all of the life lessons needed to reach full enlightenment. At that point, this highly awakened soul would usually join its energy with the Creator and become what some refer to as an Ascended Master. These beings continue to serve and assist worlds and the universe, along with their inhabitants in various ways. Some continue to incarnate and often incarnate as several beings simultaneously. Some assist as high Guides. Some teach.
There are many options, and they serve in many ways. I still have this option. However, as I serve in the role of Archangel. I cannot reincarnate, which for now is fine with me. Most souls do not wish to give up the option of reincarnation. They feel better suited to serve mankind as a reincarnated human being than as an Angel, and reincarnation is the main path to spiritual growth for those who still have much to learn. I feel the opposite. I would rather guide human beings as an Archangel than to reincarnate, so I have been granted this position. I like blending my angelic gifts with my human experiences, so I can offer a unique experience to souls.
Souls have many choices to make when they are not incarnated. They usually spend much of the time planning their next lifetime, choosing where to be born, parents and other family members, Guides, Angels and other beings to work with, gifts, appearances, circumstances and situations of birth and throughout the lifetime, challenges, hardships, exit points, and many more things. I did this many, many times, and while much has changed since my many lives on Earth, I did not and do not feel the need to reincarnate again. I would rather serve in other ways.
It is so rewarding to help souls during their incarnations, especially when they turn to me with the intent of learning and growing as humans and souls. The Shift has made it even more rewarding, as I am able to direct others, so they can empower themselves and help move The Shift forward. I cannot imagine a better time to serve as an Archangel.
Jodie: I’m assuming you have agreed to help many souls as part of their life plan, like all of the Archangels. Do you also seek out people who you did not make prior arrangements with to guide them?
Metatron: The answer to both is yes. I have assisted many souls in planning lifetimes and have happily agreed to be a Guide for them either throughout the lifetime or at certain times in their lives. This is something I enjoy. Also, and this is more and more common, I often step into lives unexpectedly, if I am invited. As The Shift continues to advance, more and more people call on the Archangels for help and guidance, and it is our honor and our joy to be invoked by them. I love it when this happens, because it is usually easier to establish communication and be heard.
Once a person calls on me, they tend to listen and expect communication. I meet such wonderful people in this way. Since they initiated contact, they tend to be open-minded and easy to work with, whereas when I initiate contact, based on an agreement made with the soul before incarnation, it is usually more difficult to establish a comfortable rapport, because the human part of them was not expecting it. Of course, there are some souls like Jodie who are used to working with the Archangels throughout their existence, and they are most open to collaboration, because they feel the connection on a soul level. It is a “normal” feeling for them to listen to their intuition and divine guidance, even if they do not recognize it as such. As Jodie has stated before, it feels more like a reunion than an introduction from the beginning. However, not everyone is predisposed to this communication.
Jodie: Metatron, because you lived on Earth so much, you must be in a unique position to understand the fear and anxiety so prevalent on Earth at times. Now is one of those times for many of us with wars raging and threatening, with pending elections around the world that hinge on crucial issues for many, inflation, and the list goes on and on. What advice can you give us to minimize these things and help us deal with the times?
Metatron: My brethren have offered many valid suggestions that are crucial and helpful, and I will review some of them, but first, I wish to offer a very Earthly perspective based on history and personal experience in hopes that it will offer comfort and hope.
There has never been a time on Earth since its fall to the third dimension that times have been easy, trouble free, or peaceful, not even for a moment in time, and there will likely never be such a time, even with the completion of The Shift, although you will learn to address problems as a whole and work together to solve them in the future, which will make life on Earth incredibly better for everyone. War will certainly become a thing of the past, but hardships will always arise.
I have lived as a slave and survived to be a free man. I have lived in poverty. I have endured the Black Plague and witnessed wars throughout time, sometimes participating in them through force or by choice. I have been persecuted and killed. I have suffered from the elements when I had no shelter, my life has been devastated by natural disasters, and I have suffered from many illnesses, as well as starvation. I have been assaulted and abused.
I wish I could tell you I never once lost hope or gave in to the devastation that was at times my lives, but I cannot. Why? Because I was human, through many lifetimes. More times than not, I endured and overcame the hardships I encountered, sometimes with divine help, and sometimes through my own efforts, and sometimes even due to luck or timing I did not arrange. There is no category of challenges that I have not experienced.
I am here with you today to tell you that I am grateful for every lifetime and experience I encountered, despite the pain, fury, hopelessness, frustration, and fear I suffered at various times. I learned, I grew, and I evolved, and I advanced spiritually, not despite those difficult times, but because of them. I had a positive impact on people, the Earth, and the universe that led me to a point when I could choose to become an Archangel.
I did not feel gratitude as I endured those hard times, and we do not expect for you to, either. Yet, if you look back on previous times and hardships and suffering which you have survived and conquered, I am supremely confident that you will be able to see some good that came from these things. If you cannot, you should look closer. If nothing else, you have every right to feel more powerful, because you survived these hardships, despite possibly thinking you could not at the time.
I understand you too well to ask you to welcome adversity. That would be unreasonable, and I will not ask it of you. I will, however, remind you that you are stronger than you know, and whatever you experience during this lifetime will make you stronger, not weaker. I will also say that the vast majority of things you fear the future will bring will never happen, therefore your fears, anxiety, and dread are wasted and take a heavy toll on you for nothing, other than as an opportunity to learn to stop worrying.
Consider further, that of the small percentage of “bad” things that will come to pass, very few will you be able to avoid or control. You would do well to realize that the only thing in life you can control is your reaction to whatever you face and experience. Again, fear, anxiety, and dread regarding things you cannot control or avoid is wasted time and energy. It does you no good, and it does not serve you well. Do what you can to prepare and mitigate the circumstances and situation in which you find yourself, but know that it is highly unlikely that you will not survive any set of circumstances.
There are, of course, exceptions, such as war, natural disasters, and disease that can be devastating to many, however, things like politics, the economy, finances, and such are temporary. Some are short-lived, and some last longer, but you are strong and resilient. Mankind has been overcoming obstacles since the Earth began and people lived on the planet, and while you can be assured that more challenges will come, you can also rest assured that mankind will find a way to endure, survive, and conquer everything they face. Do not expect to be doomed. It will not happen. You will find a way to prevail, as you always have.
Spend some time reminding yourself of these things and do things to make your way through difficult times that are within your control. Know yourself and keep track of your feelings. If you are tempted to embrace fear and anxiety and anger, as so many people do these days, resist them by doing whatever you must to bring in more joy and maintain your peace of mind. Remember who and what you are. You are a divine being of light, powerful, able, and gifted. There is nothing you cannot do or overcome.
Do not wait until you are overcome with hopelessness to remember these things. Remind yourself of them daily and often. Remember, also, that we Archangels stand with you and work for and with you constantly. We will not forget or desert you at any time. Remember you have Guardians and Guides who are always on your side. You never have to face any challenge alone. Whatever happens, you will be alright in the end, and when this lifetime on Earth ends, you will continue. The only things that change after a human lifetime ends are physical in nature. Your mind, your memories, your lessons all stay with you. Everything that makes you who you are continues, and you will rejoice after human death, as you return to your real home.
Jodie: You mentioned you were surprised that so many people don’t hear or recognize guidance they receive from Angels and Guides, and as you did as a human. What guidance can you offer people to help them hear and connect to divine guidance?
Metatron: I believe the first step is to simply open up to the possibility that some of your thoughts and ideas come from other sources besides yourself. If you are not yet convinced, that is fine, but try to simply consider the possibility. There are still many who do not believe in such things, the woo-woo factor. There are more that are unsure but think it is possible for others, but not for themselves. As I recall, you were in that camp for some time. Most people do not believe they are gifted or special enough, worthy enough to receive divine guidance, but please believe me when I tell you that everyone is gifted, special and worthy enough to gain and receive our attention and our help. We love you all, and we are thrilled when you call upon us. There is no one on the planet we would refuse to help.
Your mind is always active, is it not? You constantly entertain thoughts. They come from many directions and sources. Sometimes, you may not know where random, out of the blue thoughts originate, and I will tell you that some of them – many of them – are offerings from your Guides, Guardians, Angels, and other members of your spiritual team. This is not an unusual occurrence, and it is not selective. Everyone receives guidance and ideas from other sources.
You need not fear that these sources mean you harm, as your Guardians protect you from random souls, for example, who would try to influence you without your permission or best interests in play. There is no need to sort your thoughts or to try to categorize them by origin. Your Guides do not require acknowledgement or to receive credit or gratitude for their input. Simply consider what comes to mind. Ignore or discard it if it does not appeal, but consider it first.
Your Guides and team are aware of what is happening in your life at all times, and they always seek ways to help you, always with your best interests at heart. The clearer you are in your mind about what you want, the more exact their advice and guidance. So, decide on goals and make plans as specific as possible, so they can be more precise in the ideas, thoughts, and guidance they send. They will also align you with people, resources, and opportunities that can further and help you achieve your hopes and dreams. You must be willing to do the work, but they will smooth the way forward.
Jodie: You mentioned that most souls do not wish to become Archangels, because they would no longer be able to reincarnate, yet you made that choice. Do you ever miss reincarnating and living on Earth as a human being?
Metatron: For me, and I know you and many others can relate to this, it is important to make a positive difference in the world, the universe, and in the lives of other people. It was important when I was a human being, and it is important now. I was able to do this in various ways when I was able to incarnate on Earth, and I sought out avenues in which I could do this in nearly every lifetime.
It is also for this reason I wished to become an Archangel, and it is for this reason I continue to act in this capacity. It is not easy, but it is very rewarding and fulfilling when I can interact with humans, understanding them through my own experiences, and am able to help them make a difference, also. I believe I can do that to the greatest degree as an Archangel, so I have never regretted this choice.
Archangels have limits, just as human beings do, but they are different. As a human being, you are limited by time greatly, by the limits of the physical body, by emotions, by the lack of universal knowledge, and by being limited to being in one place at a time. An Archangel has none of these limits, and so for me, I can reach more people as an Archangel than I ever could as a person.
As an Archangel, I am most hampered by the resistance and inability or dismissal of a person’s willingness to consider the unknown, the misunderstood or misrepresented, or mysteries they perceive. Although the human senses are necessary and useful in many ways, they are also very limiting, especially in combination with free will when someone refuses to consider or rejects outright that which is beyond the human senses. In addition, society and many people in power on Earth work to enforce those limitations, as well as restrict and repress the innate worth, value, power, and curiosity every person has. My message to all people is to open your minds and hearts to possibilities, especially those you do not understand.
This is the best scenario to indulge in “what if” questions. What if there is more to the world, the universe, and to you than you can see, hear, touch, etc.? What if you are more powerful than you can imagine? What if you are never truly alone and have an entire group of powerful beings who want to help you succeed beyond your wildest dreams? What if you are loved unconditionally, forgiven of your mistakes and poor choices, and valued, respected, and accepted exactly as you are? If you cannot accept these things as truth right now, please, please just ask the questions and wonder about them.
Jodie: Metatron, I thank you for taking the time and making the effort to help us, enlighten us, and make a difference in our lives. I feel a newer, deeper understanding of both of us after spending this time with you. I’m not so nervous around you anymore, and in fact, feel a new camaraderie, affection, and connection to you, for which I am very grateful. Thank you so much.
Metatron: Jodie, to you I say I am very happy to renew and strengthen the bond we have shared since I became an Archangel, and to all of humanity I wish to offer my help whenever you need it. I live to serve and assist you all. I want to make a positive difference in your lives and help you make a positive difference on Earth. I hope you will invite me into your life. I await your invitation, and I love you all greatly and unconditionally.